B.T :
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Bio-process Dynamics & control (11BT401), Down streem process (11BT402), Professional Elective-V , Molecular Expression (12BTE33), Microbiol Technology (12BTE42)z
CE :
Advanced design of Structures (11CE401) , Advanced stuructural analysis (11CE402) ,Professional Elective-IV , Prestressed Concrete (11CE430) Water Shed management and Development (11CE433) Advanced Pavement Design Engg (11CE434) , Professional Elective-V , Bridge Engineering (11CE435) , Geosynthetics and Reinfoced Soil Structures (11CE436), Design of Hydralic structures (11CE438), Urban Transportation systems Planning (11CE439)
Distributed systems (13CS401), Compiler design (13CS402) , Professional Elective-IV , Data Mining (11CS430) , Network Programming (11CS431) , Software Reliability (11CS433), Natural Langauge Processing (11CS434), Professional Elective-V, Big Data Analytics (11CS436), Cloud Computing (11CS437), Software Architecture (11CS439), Pattern Recognition (11CS440)
ECM : Embedded systems (11EM401), CMOS VLSI Design (13EC206), Professional Elective-IV , Advanced Embedded Processor Architecture (13EM430), Enterprise Programming (13EM431), Professional Elective-V, Embedded Networking (13EM336), Semantic Web (13EM433)
Computer organization (13EM201), Wireless & Cellular Commnication (11EC416), Professional Elective-IV, Satellite Communication (11EC443), TCP/IP Internetworking (11EC451), Design for Testability (11EC364), Digital Image Processing (11EC473), Professional Elective-V, Optical Communication (11EC442), Radar & navigation Aids (11EC444), Network Management (11EC454), ASIC Design ( 11EC463), Multi-rate Signal Processing (11EC474)
Digital signal processing (11EE401), Power system Operation and control (11EE402) , Professional Elective-IV , Power Quality (11EE431) , Nano Materials for Energy and Environment (11EE433), Optimal Control Systems (11EE432) , Professional Elective-V , HVDC & FACTS (11EE435) , Energy Conservation & Audit (11EE437) , Adaptive Control Systems (11EE436) , ME Desig of Transmission Elements (11ME401) Engineering Management (11EM402) , Professional Elective-IV , Condition Monitoring Fault Diagnosis (11ME430) , Modern Manufacturing Precesses (11ME432) , Supply Chain Management (11ME431) , Turbo Machines 11ME433) , Professional Elective-V , Power Plant Engineering (11ME435) , Workstudy& Ergonomics (11ME436) , Concurrent Engineering (11ME437) ,Advance Strength of Materials (11ME438).
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* KL University IV-Year B.Tech Semester-II Exams Timetable 2016 Copy Downlad
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