KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies, Seniority List download 2023 @kadapadeo.in

KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies, Seniority List download 2023 @kadapadeo.in

KADAPA District teachers Transfers SGT, SA, LP, HM, and LFL New allotment list 2023 vacancies, Seniority List @kadapadeo.in

KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies, Seniority List @kadapadeo.in Download: DEO Kadapa (YSR Kadapa) District Teachers Transfers 2023 Online Applications, vacancies, Submit web options Seniority List web counselling at kadapadeo.in. AP Teachers Transfers Kadapa (YSR Kadapa) District Teachers Transfers 2023 Transfer applications Download @ cse.ap.gov.in, Transfers School Allotment Order Copies, School wise, Andal Wise, Division wise, Subject wise, Cadre wise, Medium Wise, Management Wise, District Wise AP Teachers Transfers Order Copies download.

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KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies, Seniority List download @kadapadeo.in

YSR Kadapa District Teachers Transfers Vacancies District Wise Category wise, School Assistant, Secondary Grade Teacher, Language Pandit, Gr-II Head Master vacancy list School wise and also how to Download the Vacancy List.


After the Teachers Online Application submission finishes by the teachers, Entitlement points will be awarded to the teachers, and category-wise kadapa district-wise SGT SA LPT GHM PET seniority list will also be prepared and displayed on the concerned District Official websites.

DEO Kadapa (YSR Kadapa) Transfers Rationalization 2023

SGT, PET, LP, School Assistant Telugu, English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies, Sanskrit, PD, Grade 2 HM Vacancies of all Managements.

* Kadapa District Teachers Transfers Vacancies, Seniority list Download
* Teachers Transfers New Allotment Place Download
* Teachers Transfers Relieving and Joining Reports Software Download

Sl.No. YSR Kadapa District Vacancies Category of Post Link
1 SGT Download
2 PET Download
3 Grade-II HM Download
4 School Assistant (SA)Telugu Download
5 School Assistant (SA)English Download
6 School Assistant (SA)Hindi Download
7 School Assistant (SA) Maths Download
8 School Assistant (SA)Physics Download
9 School Assistant (SA)Biology Download
10 School Assistant (SA)Social Studies Download
11 LP-Telugu Download
12 LP-Hindi Download
13 LFL HM Download
S.No Activity Date
1 Submission of  Category wise, Subject wise, Medium wise vacancies in the website  12.12.2022 -13.12.2022
2 Applying for Teachers Transfer by HM/Teacher in online with self-Attested Details 14.12.2022 -17.12.2022
3 Verification of Applications Through Online 18.12.2022 -19.12.2022
4 Display of provisional Seniority lists based on Entitlement Points and Submission of Uploaded objections (with proof) in the website to the DEO 20.12.2022 -22.12.2022
5 Redressal of objections/Replies posted on website by the District Educational Officer with the approval of Joint Collector/ Committee 23.12.2022 -24.12.2022
6 Display of final seniority list with Entitlement points in the website 26.12.2022
7 Submission of online web options by  the Headmasters/ Teachers 27.12.2022 -01.01.2023
8 Display of Final Allotment places list 02.01.2023 -10.01.2023
9 Review of final Allocations, if any Grievances (Technical issues) 11.01.2023
10 Display of Transfer orders on the web for downloading 12.01.2023

FAQ for KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies, Seniority List

Q1: What is the website for KADAPA District Teachers Transfers Subject wise vacancies and Seniority List download?

Ans: You can download the Subject wise vacancies and Seniority List for KADAPA District Teachers Transfers on the official website @kadapadeo.in.

Q2: How can I access the website @kadapadeo.in?

Ans: To access the website @kadapadeo.in, open a web browser on your computer or mobile device and type in the URL “kadapadeo.in” in the address bar. Press Enter, and it will take you to the official website.

Q3: What information can I find on the KADAPA District Teachers Transfers website?

Ans: The KADAPA District Teachers Transfers website provides information about subject-wise vacancies and the seniority list for teachers in the district. You can find details about the available vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process, transfer guidelines, and other relevant information.

Q4: How can I download the Subject wise vacancies and Seniority List?

Ans: Once you access the KADAPA District Teachers Transfers website @kadapadeo.in, navigate to the appropriate section that provides the Subject wise vacancies and Seniority List. Look for a download button or a link to download the files. Click on it, and the files will be downloaded to your device.

Q5: What is the purpose of the Seniority List?

Ans: The Seniority List is a list of teachers in KADAPA District arranged according to their seniority or length of service. It helps in determining the order of transfer preferences based on the guidelines and policies set by the education department. The Seniority List is an essential document for teachers’ transfers and plays a crucial role in the decision-making process.

Q6: How often is the Seniority List updated?

Ans: The Seniority List is usually updated periodically, depending on the policies and regulations of the education department. The updates can occur annually or as per the specific guidelines for teacher transfers. It is important to refer to the latest version of the Seniority List to ensure accurate information.

Q7: Are there any eligibility criteria for teachers’ transfers in KADAPA District?

Ans: Yes, there are specific eligibility criteria for teachers’ transfers in KADAPA District. These criteria may include factors such as minimum years of service, qualifications, performance evaluations, and other relevant guidelines set by the education department. It is advisable to refer to the official website or notification for detailed eligibility requirements.

Q8: Where can I find additional information or assistance regarding KADAPA District Teachers Transfers?

Ans: For additional information or assistance regarding KADAPA District Teachers Transfers, you can visit the official website @kadapadeo.in. The website should provide contact details, helpline numbers, or email addresses for any queries or concerns. You can reach out to the designated authorities for further assistance.

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