Guidelines for Medical Health Department Transfers 2019 GO 262 Dated 1st July, 2019
Guidelines for transfer of Medical Health Department Employees in HM&FW Department – Orders – Issued. Guidelines for Medical Health Department Transfers 2019 GO 262 Dated 1st July, 2019. AP HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (B1) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No.262 Dated:01-07-2019. The Director of Medical Education, A.P., Vijayawada have proposed certain additional guidelines to effect the transfer of employees. Medical and Health Department Employees in Andhra Pradesh Transfers Guidelines issued. Medical Health Department Transfers Guidelines 2019 GO 262 Dated 1.7.2019
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Guidelines for Medical Health Department Transfers 2019 GO 262 Dated 1st July, 2019
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.45, Finance (HR.I.Plg.&Policy) Department, dt.24-06-2019.
2. G.O.Ms.No.318, HM&FW(B1)Department, dated 06.05.2017.
3. From the DME., A.P., Vijayawada, Note dated 26.06.2019.
1. In the G.O.1st read above, orders have been issued relaxing ban on transfer of employees . The Director of Medical Education, A.P., Vijayawada, in the reference 3rd read above, have proposed certain additional guidelines to effect the transfer of employees.
2. Government after careful examination have issued following additional guidelines in addition to the general guidelines issued in the G.Os 1st & 2nd read above to all HoDs of HM&FW Department to effect the transfer of employees:
- I. Candidates who completed (3) years of service in plain areas and (2) years of service in Tribal areas at one station are eligible to apply for transfer.
- II. Candidates who are having minimum one year service at their respective stations are eligible to apply for clear vacancies.
- III. The Specialist Doctors working in the APVVP Hospitals & Colleges, who have completed (7) years of service at a station are eligible to be replaced, if anybody opts for that place. In any cadre, the number of such replacements shall not exceed (20)% of that cadre.
- IV. For State Cadre, the Counselling will be conducted by the Committee under the Chairmanship of concerned HoDs.
3. Further, Government is hereby extend the time limit till 12.07.2019, to take up the general transfers.
4. All the HoDs shall follow the guidelines issued in the G.Os 1st & 2nd read above while effecting the transfers without deviation of any kind.
5. The above orders issues with the concurrence of the Finance (HR.I.Plg.&Policy)Department, vide their U.O.No.FIN01-HR0OTHI/14/2019-HR-1, dated 29-06-2019.
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