English Language Certificate Course 30 days for Teachers Training at Bangalore

Telangana Teachers English language Certificate Course , TS Primary Schools Teachers English language Course , English language training in Bangalore , 30 days Certificate Course in English Language for PS Teachers , Telangana Teachers , TS RC 100 Dt. 29-12-2015 , Regional Institute of English, South India, Bangalore Training norms /guidelines ,  Deputation of teachers for training

TS Elementary School Teachers English language Certificate Course training from 11-01-2016 to 10-02-2016 

RC.100 English Language 30 days Certificate Course for Primary School Teachers Training at Bangalore 

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Telangana Proceedings Of The Director, S.C.E.R.T., T.S., Hyderabad — 500001 , lRC.No.Sp1/100/A/TSCERT/2015 Dated:29/12/2015 

Subject: School Education -Course No.13- 30 days Certificate Course in English Language Teaching for Primary School Teachers / Teacher trainers from 11/01/2016 to 10/02/2016 — Deputation of teachers for training-Orders -Issued – Reg.

  • 1. Annual Plan Circular, Dated 04/03/2015 of RIESI .
  • 2. LetterNo.RIETTRG/CELT/Pri-CrsNo.13/AP-TG&KT/2015-16, Dated: 15.12.2015 of the Director, RIESI, Bangalore.

While communicating a copy of the reference 2nd read above, all the District Educational Officers and Principals, Govt. DIETs in the State are requested to Send the names of three eligible Primary Teachers / one Teacher Trainer of the district concerned for 30 days Certificate Course in English Language Teaching for Primary School Teachers / Teacher Trainers from 11/01/2016 to 10/02/2016 at Regional Institute of English, South India, Bangalore by the following the norms/guidelines stipulated by the RIESI in it.
The teachers / teacher trainers list should be sent along with any one Primary Teachers / one Teacher Trainer reserve candidate name by 01.01.2015 in return e-Mail to this office e-Mail address, to enable to take further course of action in the matter. The hard copy of the teachers / trainers list should be sent in due course.
This reference should be treated as most urgent. Action should be taken accordingly

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* English language Certificate Course Teachers training at Bangalore 

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