Celebrating World Youth Skills Day on 15th July, 2019 in Vocational Schools

Celebrating World Youth Skills Day on 15th July, 2019 in Vocational Schools

Rc 860/AP- RMSA/2019 Dt. 11/07/2019. Samagra Siksha Vocational School – Celebrating World Youth Skills Day on 15th July, 2019. The attention of all the District Educational Officer and Ex-Officio District Co-coordinators of RMSA is invited to the reference read above and are hereby informed that Government of India has decided to observe 15th July of every year as World Youth Skills Day.  Therefore, all the District Educational Officer and Ex-Officio District Co-coordinators of RMSA are requested to coordinate for the celebration of 15th July,2019 as World Youth Skills Day by all the 256 Vocational Schools in an appropriate manner for spreading with respect to Skill Development and Vocational Education to all the students. In this connection, following activities may be taken up by the Schools while executing the World Youth Skills Day.

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Celebrating World Youth Skills Day on 15th July, 2019 in Vocational Schools 

1. Host a keynote address to talk about the importance of skill training or skill development.
2. Host an open house discussion involving local businessmen/entrepreneurs to talk about the importance of skills training and entrepreneurship.
3. Invite an Employee of an Industry to talk about the importance of skills at workplace or employability skills.
4. Issue a press release on World Skills Day on the activities organized by the Institutions/Schools.
5. Join the conversation on social media and spread the message of importance of skill development.
6. Organize an exhibition of the models, charts, posters, etc. developed by the students of vocational education.
7. Further he has requested to submit a brief report (not more than 2 pages) of the activities organized said above for publication in their newsletter.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officer and Ex-Officio District Co-ordinators of RMSA (except West Godavari) are requested to take up necessary action and submit a brief report including photos (not more than 5 pages) of the activities organized as above for publication in the GoI newsletter.

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