AP/TS NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme Guidelines, Selection Process for Students scholarships

A) Students will be three different stages as per the UPSC examination pattern for Civil Services.
C) Selection and allotment of students and payment of fee linking it to strict monitoring of the regular attendance of the students.
NTR VIdyonnathi Scheme details: The details of the proposed schemes and sub-schemes are as follows.

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i) Integrated Guidance Scheme (CSAT+Mains): To give integrated guidance for 100 students for the “CSAT (Prelims) cum Mains” for about 9 months.
ii) Mains Guidance Scheme: To give guidance for two months for all eligible ST students who qualified in Prelims.
iii) Personality Test Guidance Scheme: To give guidance for one month for all eligible ST students who qualified in Mains.

The following criteria are prescribed for selection of the institutes

1. The institution should have minimum experience of 10 years in imparting training to candidates for Civil Services exams, conducted by UPSC.
2. The institution should have excellent track record and must necessarily have produced excellent results.
3. The institution must have expert and excellent faculty (profiles have to be furnished).
4. The institution should have good library, study material and other infrastructure.

The Selection Committee is constituted with the following members.
i) Director/Commissioner, Tribal Welfare
ii) Commissioner, Collegiate Education
iii) Commissioner, Technical Education
iv) Representative nominated by the Finance Department

The above Committee will shortlist the institutions and will recommend to Government for empanelment in order to sponsor the students for coaching. The Committee may recommend maximum number of candidates to be sponsored to each institute, so that all candidates are not sponsored to a single institute. The sponsored candidates should be given training along with other students and the Government sponsored candidates should not be made into a separate batch.


i) Prelims cum Mains Integrated Guidance:
a) An advertisement will be issued in one prominent Telugu News Paper and also placed in the department website, calling for applications from the eligible ST students, whose annual family income is less than Rs.2.00 lakhs.
b) Students should have passed any degree course
c)  Atleast 33% of the seats will be allotted for women for Prelims cum Mains programme.
d) 3% of the seats will be allotted to the disabled candidates

 fee will be paid in two installments- first installment, after the students report for coaching and second installment, towards the end of the course.

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