NTR Vidyonnathi Merit list/
Result and Community wise Selected Candidates list download, NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme Result, Key and Answers 2018 AP Vidyonnati Scheme Entrance Exam 2018 Results, Final Selection List, Selected Candidates List, Certificates Verification, Free Coaching for Competitive Exams. NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme Merit/ Selection list Results with Answer Key Download. NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme 2018-19 Providing professional guidance for Civil Services Examinations for the candidates of Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, B.C. Welfare, Minorities Welfare, Kapu Corporation, Brahmin Corporation and EBC Corporation Government of Andhra Pradesh Selection list for On-Line Examination (Objective Type – Computer – Based Test), AP NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme 2018 Merit list Download, NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme 2018 Results Released, Available @www.apcivilscoaching.aponline.gov.in.
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NTR Vidyonnathi scheme Exam Results/ Selection list
NTR Vidyonnathi Results/ Merit/ Selection list 2018 Exam Answer Key |
Candidates who are searching for NTR Vidyonnathi scheme Exam Selection list should download UPSC civil preliminary examination Results. NTR Vidyonnathi for providing free professional guidance for civil services exams for SC, ST, BC, Kapu, Minority students in Andhra Pradesh.
NTR Vidyonnathi Results 2018 Download
Candidates from SC and ST category will get admissions in Civil Services training. 100 students from SC category and 150 students from ST category will be selected through the written test. Those will be allowed to take the civil services training.
NTR Vidyonnathi Certificate verification From October, 2018
NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme Date of Examination:
Downloading of Hall Tickets from: .06.2018 to .06.2018
NTRVSET 2018 Screening Test: 25.06.2018 to 26.06.2018
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Ntr vidyonnati free civils coaching entrance exam 2017, cutoff marks in minority.
certification verification dates and centers plss
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Sir why so much delay I the process, when selected candidates list will declare sir
Hello sir ..when you will release the final merit list…
Sir when will be conduct the certificate verification…~?
Sir when will be conduct the certificate verification…~?
When will the verification dates and centres be released?
when the merit list going to be released atleast intimate us.
Friends, Final information available in only official website.
Thanks you
cancel of ntr vidyonnathi scheme
How many marks have u got Bro call me this number 9059969954
It's a completely bullshit scheme.. just for publicity they released.. how long need to wait fr the counselling..
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Sir plz publish the merit list
forgot ntr vidyonnathi its canceled
Even playing with students preparing for upsc what about common people
Why brother
How can you say that
my frnd uncle working in ntr scheme
Is it really true? Then why did govt introduced this scheme??
is it really true??/
hi brother when annonce verification dates call me this no.9966186400
Sir why u people are playing games with our life ….. plz tell weather ur going to do certificate verification ,are not …… but don't take this much time update information fastly pleaseeeee
Hi, Friends certificate verification Dates Announces Only NTR Official website, Remaining I Don't Know
Hello,hai. Ntr vidyonnathi gurinchi emaina information unda or EE scheme emina cancel ayida
Please respond my request
List for SC is given in website
wt about other castes??Is there any info???
provided mobile number is not answering our calls.let me know when is the certificate verification and which location it is coming
respected sir
i got 71 marks but does not alloteded the seat
but some people get the seat 59 marks only
what is the resone for rejected me give a reply me sir
thanking you.
hii sir when the bc selection come out & tell me the counselling dates
Revised sc list is given.
For other categories they said within 10 days
Friends, NTR Vidyonnathi Scheme Category wise Merit list and Certificate Verification Dates announced and Available now.
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Friends, NTR Vidyonnathi Notification 2018 for Civil Free Coaching Online Application form link available now
Please key addd
ntr vidyonnthi 2018 exam key and cutt off marks list eppudu release chestharu???
Not release key yet
If key and results were announced please intimate us sir
Hello sir plzz…..provide the ntr vidyonnathi results 2018
sir,when can we expect the ntr vidhyonnathi exam results 2018????? plz give us ny information
Friends, NTR Vidhyonnathi Results Available Now
I got 30.30.55 marks.Am I eligible for couching or not?? What are the qualified marks
Sir I got 33.91(st).can I eligible for civils coaching.say yes or no?
Sir when will the exam categeorisied merit list.what are the cut off marks.
Sir plz reply me.
Hello sir please inform counciling date and eligible candidates
List of candidates select please provide sir
Hello sir,
What is the cut-off marks for MALE EBC catagery students….???
Hello sir,
Pls tell me BC cuttoff marks
Hello Sir ,pls tell me st cuttoff marks
Hai I got 47.92 sc woman. Is there any chance for me???
Hai I got 47.92 sc woman
Is there any chance for me??? Selection list release ainda
Please evarina reply ivvandi
Please send sc selected list of west godavari to neerajaa2010[at]gmail.com
Not available Selection list and cutoff marks yet.
Announce soon…
sir iam unable to download question paper and key list in official website
Please Can anyone tell the Tentative counselling dates.. would it be like previous year dates or in the August month..
Asalu merit list vachinda. How can I checkkkk
2018 merit list and counciling date plz..
when will the councelling started'
Sir councelling dates eppudu release chestaru ?
Sc merit list open kavatamledu..
Merit list and counselling dates release when?.please any information reply
NTR Vidyonnathi Merit list Available now
Sir plzz counselling dates cheppandi
sir pls tell me counselling dates
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Sir, please let us know the counselling dates.
Sir plz tell that whether empanelment of the institutions for the candidates has completed or not??
Assalu coaching istara?? Ippativarku counseling date's ivvaldu June tho ending avvali..reply me plz
When is the counseling
Counselling dates eppudu?? Emaina information unte plzz rply..
Counseling dates eppudu
Do it fast counseling for selected candidates
Bro, Not NTR Vidyonnathi announced Results and Counselling schedule yet.
Phase2 .Counselling dates please tell me