APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification and GO 66 Complete Guidelines

APSWREIS Teachers Transfers, Detailed Notification and GO Complete Guidelines

APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification and GO 66 Complete Guidelines

APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines: Social Welfare Department – Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society – Conducting of Counselling for transfers for the year 2023-2024Approval of transfer guidelines to Regular as well as Contract Teachers of all cadres including non-teaching employees in the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society – Orders – Issued. SOCIAL WELFARE (RS.1) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 66 Dated: 09-11-2023 Guidelines for transfer of teachers working in APSWREI Society during the academic year 2023-24.

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APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Guidelines GO 66

Read the following For APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines:
1. G.O.Ms.No.54, School Education (Services-II) Department, dated 12.10.2023.
2. e- File No: 11/779/2023-HR-1-APSWRE from the Secretary, APSWREIS Teachers Transfers

O R D E R:

  • Government of Andhra Pradesh in School Education Department in the reference first read above, has issued directions regarding transfer of teachers for the academic year 2023-24. Based on these instructions, now it is decided to implement transfers for regular as well as contract teachers of all cadres including non-teaching employees in the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society.
  • 2. In reference second read above, the Secretary, APSWREI Society has submitted the proposal for conducting the counseling for regular as well as contract teachers of all cadres including non-teaching employees in the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society for the academic year 2023-2024.
  • 3. Government after careful examination of the proposal, hereby accord permission to the Secretary, APSWREIS to take up the exercise of transfers, keeping in view of the detailed guidelines mentioned in Annexure appended to this G.O., with a view to foster greater transparency in the counselling for transfers.
  • 4. The Secretary, APSWREIS is further directed to coordinate with APCFSS for development of software. The time lines indicated for transfers by Education Department shall be followed. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

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Guidelines for transfer of teachers working in APSWREI Society during the academic year 2023-24

1. These guidelines shall be applicable to all cadres working in APSWREI Society including Principals, Teachers, Special Teachers and Non-Teaching staff, hereinafter referred to as “Employees” in these guidelines. These guidelines are also applicable for Contract employees. These guidelines shall come into force with immediate effect. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

2. Criteria for transfers: 

  • a. All the Principals who have completed (5) academic years of service in a particular institution shall be transferred compulsorily.
  • b. All other employees who have completed (8) academic years of service in a particular institution, shall be transferred compulsorily.
  • c. More than half of the academic year would be considered as full academic year for this purpose. To illustrate further, all the Principals, who joined before 18.11.2017 and all other employees who joined before 18.11.2012 in an institution are to be transferred compulsorily.
  • d. Male employees including Principals & non teaching staff, who are below 50 years of age as on 01.10.2023 and working in Girls institutions, shall also be compulsorily transferred to boys institutions. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines
  • e. Employees who are working in a post for which no approval of the board/sanction of the Government is available, shall also be transferred compulsorily.
  • f. The Society can transfer any official on administrative grounds if required.

3. Exemption categories:
The following categories of employees are exempted from the transfers:

  • a. Employees who are retiring within two years from 01.10.2023 are exempted from compulsory transfers.
  • b. Visually challenged employees are exempted from compulsory transfers.
  • c. However, if employees of the above two categories desire to apply for transfer, they are permitted to do so.

4. Notification of vacancies:

  • The principle to be followed while notifying vacancies is – approximately equal distribution of the regular & contract employees among all the schools in the State. Vacancies will be notified to ensure that reasonably good number of regular and contract teachers are posted in remote schools also. It is not necessary to fill all the resultant vacancies that are going to arise because of shifting of the employees on completion of their tenure now. Keeping these instructions in view, the Secretary, APSWREI Society is authorized to finalize the list of vacancies to be notified for counselling. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

5. Submission of applications:

  • a. The entire process of transfers should be done through online only. APCFSS will provide necessary software enabling the employees to submit their applications online. The software should generate the merit list after allotting points, based on the criteria fixed in these guidelines. Places will be allotted to the employees by the software system, based on the rank in the merit list and the choice of the applicants. APCFSS Team is directed to coordinate with the Secretary, APSWREI Society for development of the soft ware. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines
  • b. All the employees who are to be compulsorily transferred as per Para 2, have to submit their applications online. They will not be reminded that they are under the category of compulsory transfer. In case, no application is received from the employees under compulsory transfer category, such employees will be shifted by the administration as per its requirement. Hence, in the interest of the employees, they are advised to verify whether they are in the category of compulsory transfer or not and take necessary decision regarding submitting online application.
  • c. Secretary, APSWREIS Society will release the time lines for submission of online application etc., in consultation with APCFSS. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

6. Preferential categories:

APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines
I. The following categories shall be given the choice place from the list of notified vacancies without undergoing normal procedure of counselling:

  • a. Differently abled i.e., those with equivalent or more than 70% of Visually challenged/Orthopedically challenged/Hearing Impaired.
  • b. Widows/Legally separated female teachers
  • c. An employee who is suffering with the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment
  • i. Cancer
  • ii. Open Heart Surgery/Correction of ASD/Organ Transplantation iii. Neuro Surgery
  • iv. Bone TB
  • v. Kidney Transplantation /Dialysis vi. Spinal –Surgery
  • d. Applicants with dependents i.e. Mother/ Father/Children/ Spouse who are mentally retarded and are undergoing treatment.
  • e. Children suffering with holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers.
  • f. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes.
  • g. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Thalassemia Disease h. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Hemophilia Disease
  • i. Applicants with dependent children suffering from Muscular Dystrophy.
  • j. Spouse of the Service/Ex-service Person in Army / Navy / Air force / BSF / CRPF / CISF.
  • APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

II. In case of tie for one place from two or more officials, the same will be resolved based on the following criteria in the order:
i. Women
ii. Seniority in the cadre

iii. Age
7. In case of employees other than the above mentioned preferential category employees , points will be allotted as follows:
a. category of present place:
  • i. For every year of service in category IV areas: 5
  • ii. For every year of service in Category III areas: 3
  • iii. For every year of service in Category II areas : 2
  •  iv. For every year of service in Category I areas : 1
  • Note: if an employee works in a place (other than the place where he/she was originally posted to) on deputation/or otherwise, he/she will get points as per the category of the actual place of working. If an employee actually works in more than one institution in an academic year, the institution where he/she worked for maximum period in that academic year will only be considered.
  •  b. 0.5 points for every academic year of service in their total career in APSWREIS in Category-IV schools prior to 2023-24 in case of Principals and prior to 2012-13 in case of other employees. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines
  • c. Unmarried female employees: 5 points
  • d. An employee whose spouse belongs to State Government or Central Government or Public Sector under taking or Local Body, AP Residential Educational Institutions Societies, Aided Institutions or A.P. Model Schools: 5 points.
  • The benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to one of the spouses once in 5/8 years only. An entry to this effect shall be recorded in the SR of the Headmaster/teacher concerned under proper attestation.
  • e. Differently abled ( Visually challenged / Orthopedically challenged/ Hearing Impaired) with the level of challenge is between 40% to 55% – 5 points
  • f. Differently abled ( Visually challenged / Orthopedically challenged/ Hearing Impaired)with the level of challenge is between 56% to 69% — 10 points
  • APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

A copy of certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the check list to consider cases under this category.

8. a). Based on the above criteria, the applicants shall be awarded points by the software system. A Merit List will be generated and the same will be displayed for the public. Objections against the same will be invited within three days after publication of the Merit List to the Secretary, APSWREI Society. After considering the objections, if any, final merit list will be published once again. Any objections on the final merit list will be forwarded to the Principal Secretary, Social Welfare within 24 hours. After considering such objections, allocation of the places will be done as per the rank and the choice of the applicants.

b). In case of tie for one place from two or more officials, the same will be resolved based on the following criteria in that order:
i. Women
ii. Seniority in the cadre

iii. Age

c). List of applicants and the allotted places will also be displayed for the public. If no valid grievances are received by the Principal Secretary, Social Welfare, within 24 hours, the list will be treated to be final and posting orders will be issued by the competent authorities.

d). It is clarified that all efforts will be made to accommodate the applicants in one of the choice places out of the notified vacancies. However, in case of administrative requirement, they may be transferred to the place which is not in their choice list.

9. Request transfers:

All officials who have completed two years of service in a particular station as on
01.10.2023 may also submit their applications for request transfers online. Such requests shall be considered based on administrative requirements and there is no guarantee that the applicants of request transfer category shall get the place of their choice.

10. Transfers of contract teachers:
All the above guidelines are applicable in the case of contract employees also. However, the Secretary, APSWREIS is authorized to implement the transfers of contract employees after completing the transfers of regular employees, if required.
11. The Secretary, APSWERIS is authorized to formulate guidelines to resolve any issues which are not covered in the above guidelines keeping in view of the principles of fairness and transparency. APSWREIS Teachers Transfers 2023 Detailed Notification & Guidelines

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