APPSC Negative marks in Objective Type Tests of Group 2 and Group 3

APPSC Recruitments Negative marks in Objective Type Tests. AP GO 235 Group-II and Group-III filling of posts through Direct Recruitment by APPSC – Permission to introduce the system of negative marks in Objective Type Tests to be conducted by the APPSC – Orders – Issued. AP Finance Department GO.MS.No. 235 Dated: 06-12-2016. Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission to introduce negative marks system in which each wrong answer will be penalized @ 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question. Group-II and Group-III Services to hold multi-session and multiple question paper screening tests an all direct recruitment examination.

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Negative Marks in APPSC Recruitment Objective Exams GO 235

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APPSC Objective Type Exam Negative marks

Read the following:


1. G.O. Ms. No. 148, Finance (HR.I, Plg. Policy) Department, Dt: 01.08.2016
2. G.O. Ms. No. 150, Finance (HR.I, Plg. Policy) Department, Dt: 08.08.2016
3. G.O. Ms. No. 155, Finance (HR.I. Plg. Policy) Department, Dt: 01.08.2016
4. Lr.No. 669/SS/2016, Dated: 12.09.2016 of the Secretary, APPSC, Hyderabad.
5. C.No. GAD-2501/4/2016-Services-A-GAD Dated: Nil.

O R D E R:

1. In the reference first as amended in reference third read above, orders have been issued prescribing a scheme of examination for direct recruitment conducted by A.P Public Service Commission for various categories of posts. In the reference second read above, permission has been accorded to A.P Public Service Commission to hold Screening Test for Group-II and Group-III Services and to hold multi-session and multiple question paper screening tests an all direct recruitment examination basing on the number of candidates as mentioned therein.

2. In the reference fifth read above the General Administration Department, has informed that the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has decided to introduce negative marks system in all tests / examinations for direct recruitment where such tests / examinations are conducted through question papers containing objective type questions with multiple choice answers and requested the Government to issue necessary orders in the matter.

3. After careful examination of the matter, the Government hereby permit the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission to introduce negative marks system in which each wrong answer will be penalized @ 1/3rd of the marks prescribed for the question, in all tests / examinations for direct recruitment to various categories of posts in the Government departments, where such tests / examinations are conducted through question papers containing objective type questions with multiple choice answers.

4. The negative marking system as ordered above will come into effect immediately and will be applicable to all the notifications for direct recruitment to be issued by APPSC.

5. Copy of this order is available online and can be accessed at address http://

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