AP.G.O.MsNo:145,dt:25.4.15 Family Member Certificates for Govt Employes Instructions to Tahsildars

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT: Issue of Family Member Certificates to the Government employees/general public etc. for all purposes by the Tahsildars.

              (1)Instructions have been issued with regard to issue of family Membership certificate by the Tahsildar to the Government employees to receive
Govt dues if any payable to the Government servants in case of his / her death and also to issue the same to general public also for applying to various Govt welfare programmes duly following prescribed procedure and precautions.

was brought to the notice of the Government that the Tahsildars in the State
are confining themselves to issuing family members certificate in case of
deceased Govt servants only

            (3)Government after careful examination of the issue and in
supersession of the instructions issued in the reference 3rd read above, is
instruct the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra
Pradesh, Hyderabad.

           (4)The District Collectors to issue
instructions to all the Tahsildars in the State 
to issue Family Members Certificate to the deceased
Government Servants and to the General Public not only for applying for Govt schemes
but also for all other purposes.

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The Tahsildar concerned shall follow the following procedure and precautions while issuing the Family Members Certificate

  • i) On an application made through Meeseva, the Tahsildar
    shall issue Family Member Certificate, provided there is no written objection
    from any other member of the family.
  • ii) Such Certificate issued shall be a document stating the
    factual relationship of the deceased with the applicant and other family members.
  • iii) The Aadhar number of all the family members as well as
    the deceased shall be mentioned in the Certificate.
  • iv) Such Certificate shall be issued without mentioning any
    specific purpose for which it is issued.
(v)An application for such certificate must be made along with the following documents.
  • a) A notarized affidavit containing Name, Age and Relationship
    with deceased.
  • b) Death Certificate of the deceased.
  • c) Document (Ration card/ Voter ID Card/
    Passport/Passbook,Aadhar cards, etc.) indicating the relationship of the applicant
    with the deceased

vi) On receipt of such application, the Tahsildar shall publish
a (7) seven days notice in the Village/ Ward.

vii) After the expiry of the notice period, the Tahsildar or
any other officer deputed by him shall conduct enquiry and record panchanama,
based on which the Tahsildar shall either issue the certificate or reject the

vii) This final order of acceptance or rejection shall be given
within (15) days from the date of receipt of application through Meeseva.

Precautions: To be printed as disclaimer on the Certificate
  • 1) It should be clearly specified that Family Member Certificate
    is not a Legal Heir Certificate.
  • 2) It shall not be in lieu of Legal Heir Certificates that
    will be required to be produced in Civil Court matter.

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