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AP & Telangana Pensioners- How to fixation new Basic as per PRC 2015
How to Calculation New Pension as follow Steps
- 1. New Basic of Pension = (Old Basic of Pension) x (2.06344)
- 2. Gross pension = (New Basic of Pension x 1.08908)+ 400(Medical allowance)
- 3. For example, if one pensioner getting pension with basic
of pension 7000, then his new basic will be 7000 x 2.06344=14444 - 4. There is no stages for pensioners.
- 5. Gross pension = (14444 x 1.08908)+400 (Medical allowance) =
16131 - 6. Net Pension = Gross Pension – Commutation = 16131 – 2800
= 13331
- Pay as on 01/07/2013 : Rs 31460/-
- Dearness Relief (DR)@63.344%: Rs 15406/-
- Fitment @ 43% :Rs 10458/-
- New Pension Pay as on(01/07/2013):Rs 50184
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Dearness Relief Will be calculated as follows
- 1. D.R Rate for state Govt Pensioners = (Central announced
D.R*0.524) - 2. From 01.01.2014 to 30.06.2014 D.R = 10*0.524%=5.24%
- 3. From 01.07.2014 to 31.12.2014 D.R=( 10+7)*0.524%=8.908%
- 4. From 01.01.2015 to 30.06.2015 D.R Will be announced
New Pension Calculation Process Step Calculation Result
- Pay as on 01/07/2013 = Rs 24320/-
- Dearness Relief (DR)@63.344%: 24320×63.44/100 = Rs15406/-
- Fitment @ 43% 10458×43/100 = Rs10458/-
- Total =Rs37243/-