SA 3 Exam Papers External Evaluation 5% Answer Scripts Evaluation Guidelines, Summative 3 Spot Dates from 18-03-2017 to 30-03-2017. AP Rc.3 External validation Spot evaluation 5 percent of Summative Three (SA-III) Scripts. SA 3 External validation. Instructions to Head Masters, Subject Teachers, MEOs and Dy. DEO for Mandal Level Committee to Evaluate of 5% of Answer Scripts. As per the Rc No.3 Dt: 27/01/2017 the external evaluation of SA3 answer scripts from the classes 6th 7th 8th 9th Class VI to IX will be stated from 18/03/2017 to 30/03/2017. The headmaster concerned school should take necessary steps to complete the external evaluation process at teachernews. The complete Rc No.03, regarding the Summative 3 external evaluation is as follows.
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AP Rc.3 External validation 5 percent of Summative Three (SA-III) Scripts
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AP SA 3 External Evaluation 5% of Answers Scripts |
Guidelines for 5% SA 3 Answer Scripts Validation
1. For primary sections conduct SA-III Examinations in the prescribed Time Schedule. During Morning Schools from 08.30 A.M to 09.30 A.M may be treated as Study Hour.
2. For High School Sections all managements conduct SA-III Examinations in the Afternoon Sessions. Morning Sessions may be treated as study Hours for VI to IX Classes.
3. If the School is a S.S.C Exam Centre, Conduct all the examinations in the afternoon sessions for classes I to IX.
4. Take necessary Steps to supply of question papers day – wise from respective MRCs to the schools by strictly following confidentiality.
5. 100% internal evaluation for VI, VII & IX classes may be conducted at school level.
6. 5% External evaluation for VI, VII & IX classes my be conducted at Mandal level. schedule will be informed later.
7. No internal evaluation for VIII class at school level. 100% External evaluation may be conducted at Mandal Level.
8. All the Headmasters should take necessary steps for VIII class answer scripts packing and handed over to the MEO by the evening of the Examinations.
9. All the MEOs preserve VIII class Answer Scripts for 100% external valuation.
10. Remedial Teaching and Readiness Activities for Class I – IX will be conducted from 28.03.2017 to 22.04.2017.
11. All the Head Masters of all managements are here by informed that all the MRCs of all Mandals are arranged as Key Centres under the supervision of Mandal Educational
Officers and Mandal Validation Committee, consisting of MEO, 1 Compex Head Master and 2 School Assistants.
12. The Mandal Educational Officer has to issue the day-wise sealed Question papers to the Head Masters concerned.
13. All the Head Masters of Upper Primary and High Schools of all managements are instructed to collect the Question papers from Class VI to X from respective Mandal Educational Officers every day at 10.00 A.M punctually.
14.The Head Masters are requested to verify the Question papers bundles, Whether they are proper sealed pockets and if any shortage ,Please inform to the MEO concerned.
15. The Head Masters are responsible for safe custody of the Question Papers bundles.Question papers bundle is to be opened 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination every day.
16. Authorization letter should be submitted to MEO at time of taking Question paper bundles.
17. The Head Masters of all Managements are requested to conduct the examinations strictly
and evaluate the answer scripts at school level for VI,VII & IX and keep ready for 5% of external validation of answer scripts at Mandal level.
18. The MEOs are requested to set ground preparation for 100% external valuation for VIII class as per the schedule.
19. The Head Masters are requested to attend in their respective MRCs on 13.03.2017 to verify the adequacy of Question papers.
20. All the Headmasters of Upper Primary and High Schools under all managements are informed to handover the answer bundles of VIII class to the MRC after the completion of examination every day.
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AP RC 3 SA 3 External Evaluation 5% of Scripts, Guidelines Copy Download
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