General Guidelines of Cluster Monitoring Formats, School Monitoring Format
1. This format has two parts, I and II. Part I will be completed by the MRC Coordinator by consolidating the information received in SMFs from all schools.
2. Part II will be completed by the CRC Coordinator on the basis of his/her perceptions.
3. Please answer all questions. Unanswered questions or blank spaces left will mean that the activity was not carried out or the information is nil.
4. Information provided should belong to the current quarter only.
5. Completed CMF should be submitted to the MRC.
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Consolidated by CRC Coordinator using the information of all schools from SMFs
School Performance in percentage = Total marks secured by all children of all classes in all subjects / Sum of maximum marks of all subject of all classes × 100
Upper Primary Classes Grades :
A1 = 73 – 80 Marks,
A2 = 65 – 72 Marks,
B1 = 57 – 64 Marks,
B2 = 49 – 56 Marks,
C1 = 41 – 48 Marks,
C2 = 33 – 40 Marks,
D1= 28 – 32 Marks,
D2 = 0 – 27.5 Marks.
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* School Monitoring ( SMF ) Revised Format Download
* Cluster Monitoring ( CMF ) Revised Format Download
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