AP Rc.25 Dt.12.09.2015 teachers Transfers Revised Rationalization Clarifications

AP Teachers Transfer’s revised Guidelines , Transfer’s modified Norms , AP Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015 , Date: 12/09/2015 , Rationalization clarification , Head Masters and teachers Transfer’s clarification , New Online Application , Vacancies list , Clarification of LFL HM , enrolment criteria 

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AP Rc.25 Dt.12.09.2015 teachers Transfers Revised Rationalization Clarifications

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AP Rc.No.25/Estt-III/2015 , Date: 12/09/2015 , School Education – Rationalization / Transfers – Headmasters and Teachers – Clarification – Issued .

Andra Pradesh School Education commissioner inform that all District Educational Officers in the Sate are informed that during the Video Conference . Hyderabad held on 11.09.2015 and 12.09.2015  certain clarifications were sought by the District Educational Officers. After examination of the issues raised and discussions held, the following Rationalization clarifications and Transfer’s clarification are issued with regard to teachers
Clarification Sought : Clarification Issued
1.Enrolment data : For the purpose of rationalization the Aadhaar Seeded child info data i.e. U.I.D. or E.I.D up to April, 2015 should be taken into consideration.
2. Enrolment criteria :

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  1.   1.    As per the G.O. 63, the criteria for determination of performance parameters under Rule no. 6.C note 1 shall be two preceding academic years
  2.     2.  The Aadhaar seeded childinfo data is available only for 2014-15. Hence, for the year 2013-14 UDISE data and for the year 2014-15 Aadhaar data shall be taken into consideration.

3. Allotment of LFL HM (PSHM) posts :

  1.        1. LFL HM (PSHM) posts may be allotted to all the proposed Model Primary Schools (enrolment 80 and above).
  2.        2. Remaining LFL HM (PSHM) posts are to be distributed proportionate to enrolment to the Mandals in the District. The allotted posts to the Mandals should be allotted to the schools in descending order of enrolment.
  3.         3.The SGT post that may emerge as surplus in such schools, on allocation of LFL HM (PSHM) posts, shall be taken up for rationalization.

4. Whether Primary Sections of U.P. Schools should be included in rationalization or not? As per Government orders, rationalization of UP and High Schools is not to be undertaken during 2015. However, the needs of primary sections of Upper Primary Schools may be kept in view and SGTs allotted to those schools as per requirements.
5. Rationalization of Primary Schools : Rationalization exercise is to be undertaken in Model Primary Schools as per GO.No.39-51 and in other Primary Schools as per GO. No. 55 & G.O. No. 61.
6 Teachers in merged schools

  1. 1.    In case of the Merged School, (i.e. after consolidation with a Model Primary School or with positively consolidated schools), the posts in such schools may be shifted to needy schools as per requirement.
  2. 2.    The persons working in such posts should be transferred under rationalization as per norms

7 <10 enrolment

  1. 1. Where the enrolment is <10, and where there is no other Government school within the 1 km radius to adjust the students, a primary school is to be provided / continued in line with RTE requirements.
  2. 2. The net surplus posts, if any available, should be shown against the schools where the enrolment is <10 in the descending order of enrolment.
  3. 3. Where there are no surplus teachers to be adjusted, where there is no other Government Primary school / (s) within the prescribed 1 Km., an Academic Instructor is to be provided for such schools.

8.Utilization of Surplus teachers :
After adjusting the identified surplus posts / person as per requirements, the remaining posts / persons may be identified and informed to Commissioner of School Education. Accordingly further instructions / Guidelines will be issued separately.
9 Criteria for transfer (Long standing) :  The number of years of service completed in a particular school in the particular cadre should be considered.
10 Teacher attendance in the present cadre {Rule 6 (c)(a)} of the G.O. : 
        Teacher attendance includes actual attendance in the school and Other Duty (O.D.) under proper orders & certification during the 220 working days.
11 Performance of A and A+ grade obtained by students in class III, V & VIII in a school in the Annual Assessment Survey for that year AAS – 2015 {Rule 6 B (c)(a)} of the G.O. The words with respect to grades may be read
“If 70% to 79.99% students got B+ and above”
12 School Average performance in SSC Exam {Rule 6 (B) (d)} of G.O.

  1. 1.    For the purpose of institution related performance points, the performance of S.S.C. examinations held in March (regular) only to be taken into consideration
  2. 2.    The institutional points are applicable to the H.M. and subject teachers handling 10th Class only.

13 Exemption for visually challenged teachers This exemption is applicable for transfers. However, if the posts / person is found surplus, rationalization process is to be followed.
14 Provision of STENT in preferential category :  The words “including stent” shall be treated as deleted
15 School Assistant (Physical Science)
The teachers working against posts (mismatch) may be adjusted to extent possible / requirement (match ).
16 Language Pandits working in SGT posts (Visakhapatnam and Chittoor Districts) :The Language Pandits working in against posts (mismatch) may be adjusted to extent possible / requirement (match).
17 Eligibility for transfer and Rationalization of 2008 DSC teachers against whom court cases are pending – (D.E.O., West Godavari) The teachers against whom court cases are pending with respect to their appointments should not be considered for transfer. However, such teachers may be transferred and kept under surplus, if the said post is rendered surplus under Rationalization.
18 Minor Medium During the process of the rationalization in minor media schools, to the extent possible the minor media teachers are to be continued as per requirements.
19 Extension of Schedule : The schedule for Rationalization / Transfers is extended by two to three days. (A revised schedule is being issued separately).

AP TEACHERS TRANSFERS / Rationalization 2015
G.O No.
Name of the Pages
1 Revised Schedule  Revised Transfers / Rationalization Schedule   Click Here
2 Rc. No25 Dt. 12-09-2015 Modified Transfers / Rationalization Guidelines  Click Here
3   GO’S 55 , 61  , 23-04-2011 Rationalization  Ratio Click Here
4   GO 63 , 31-08-2015 Ap Teachers general transfers rules  Click Here
5 G.O 66, 02-09-2015  AP Teachers transfers service Calculation Click Here
6   Transfer new Schedule   Draft Rationalization Click Here
7   RC 25 02-09-2015 Rationalization Ratio Posts/Teachers Click Here
8   RC 25 09-09-2015   Guidelines to Head masters Click Here
9   Rationalization   13 Dists Rationalisation list Click Here
10 Online Application   Apply Between 10-09-2015 to 13-09-2015 Click Here
 11    web couseling  Web Counselling Schedule Click Here
12 Points Calculate Software How to Calculate Transfers Points  Click Here
13 District wise Vacancy   Choose your District Vacancies Click Here
14 Final Seniority Vacancy  Coming soon
 15   Asar Report  AAS 2015 SURVEY Click here
16 Requiremnet Forms 2013 Transfer but not relieved teachers letter  Click Here

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