AP Rc 279 Revised U.P/ High School Subject weightage instructions To HMs

AP Rc 279 Revised subject Periods allotment , Mathmatics one period increased in andhra pradesh , ap rc 279 new schoo timings , AP Rc No 279 U.P/High School Revised Time Table weightage instructions To Headmasters , ap school calander 2015-16

Revised High Schools Periods allotment subject weightage  2015 -16 

#AP Rc 279 Upper Primary School Periods revised subject weightage

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AP Rc.No 279 U.P/High School Revised Time Table, And Subject wise weightage instructions To Headmasters. All the headmasters of High schools and Upper Primary schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh follow the guidelines while preparation and implementation of Time table. The Headmasters of Upper Primary and High Schools prepare timetable based on

AP Rc.279 Dt:28-11-15 Partial change in School time table

  1. Increase 1 period for Maths from 8 to 10 clases
  2. Allot Class 7 Maths to Physical Science Teachers
  3. Reduce 1 period from Art & culture from class 8 to 10
  4. HM has to teach 8 periods per week
  5. Maintain equal distribution of work among the existing staff.

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Number of teachers available and number of sections in the school. Headmaster should follow Weightage of Periods as mentioned in the academic calendar. Workload should be distributed equally among the teachers.
Value education, Art education, Work education, library book reading-is consisting of
Total 28 periods in classes VI and VII and 33 periods in classes VIII to X should be equally distributed to all the teachers in order to maintain equal workload except Maths, Social and Physical education teachers. Priority should be given to the teacher’s interest for co-curricular areas allotment.
Headmaster may decide co-curricular areas allotment.
Biological Science teacher – teach VI class Science and 1 Lab period. 
Physical Science teacher – teach VII class Science and 1 Lab period. 
Where ever Vocational Education is in force and vocational Instructors are available,
The Head Master is instructed to allot 5 Vocational Education periods by using periods allotted to work Education, Value Education, Library period etc.,
If Physical Science teacher having Mathematics in degree and mathematics methodology In B.Ed. may be allotted class VI mathematics.
In Upper Primary schools Workload should be distributed equally among the teachers Irrespective of SGT or School Assistant.
      Language pandit/ Language school Assistant must teach his /her concern subject from class IV onwards. In the same way Non Language School Assistant also teach primary subjects where ever necessary to maintain equal distribution of work load.
Work load with subject distribution – for VIII, IX, X Classes
( Regular periods- 37 other periods -11 total = 48 periods)

* Revised RC 278 Copy Download
* AP Rc 279 Time table Copy Download 

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