Rc 25 Surplus Teachers Work Adjustment Rationalization Instructions.
Rc 25/Estt-III/2015 Dated 2/12/2015. Primary Schools, Upper Primary UP, High Schools
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Surplus Teachers Work Adjustment, Rationalization Schedule, Online Application Details. Instructions released for Work Adjustment of Surplus Teachers Details are as follows:
Rc 25 Surplus Teachers Work Adjustment Rationalization Instructions
In view of the above, the following is the schedule of the activity is to be followed.
- a. Uploading the list of the schools I institutions and category of teachers needed I required in the school in the formats annexure-1 & II provided in the web on or before 05.12.2015.
- b. Display of seniority list and need based places in web on 06-12-2015.
- c. Exercising web options by surplus teacher from 07-12-2015 to 09-12-2015.
- d. Issue of web based allotment order to surplus teachers to needy places on 11- 12-2015.
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The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and DistrictEducational Officers in the State are invited to the references read above wherein theGovernment have issued for regulation of transfers rules 2015-16 and in pursuance of the ordersand related guidelines the following action was taken.
I. The action taken till now:
i) Rationalization in respect of the identified Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (ModelPrimary School) taken up as per the norms issued by the Government.
ii) For all the Primary Schools (other than Model Primary Schools) including thepositively consolidated schools, the norms prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.55 Edn.,Dated:23.04.2011 are followed.
iii) Where the enrollment is <10, and where there is no other Government School within the 1 Km radius to adjust the students, a primary school is provided & Continued in line with RTE requirements.
iv) The rationalization exercise for Upper Primary and High Schools is not taken upduring this year. All the vacancies in the Upper Primary and High Schools were opened and displayed irrespective of need.
v) It was informed to all the concerned that, after completion of transfer exercise, if the need was not established in the transferred school such teachers will be adjusted to the schools where there is requirement, on work adjustment basis till the end of the academic year.
vi) Transfers taken up through online web counseling and transfer orders are issued.
II. Action to be taken:
i) Redressal of grievances received from the teachers transferred through online web counseling and issue of orders with regard to the redressal of grievances of teachers
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