#AP Rc No 222 Medical reimbursement-Online Bills Submission Guidelines, AP Rc No 222 Medical reimbursement- Online bills Submission, RC 222, andhra pradesh, ap rc 222, cse.ap.gov.in,
AP Medical reimbursement Online Bills Submission R.c No. 222/MB.3/Medical Bills/2015 Dated: 02-12-2015
Andra Pradesh School Education Department- Implementation of online uploading of Medical reimbursement from 10 2015 certain issued Regarding
All the Regional Joint Director of School Education and Dist Educational Officers In the Andhra Pradesh state are Informed that it is decided that the medical Reimbursement bills of Head Master /Teacher /Employee shall be processed from Head Master/MEO/Dy.E.O/DEO level to this office through online only and no manual and written Medical proposals shall be submitted hereafter. In this context all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and Dist Educational Officers in the Andhra Pradesh state are instructed to upload the Medical bills Online from 15.12.2015 in “cse.ap.gov.in” through login facility provided to HM/MEO/DYEO/DEO duly scanning the following documents.
After Scanning Uploading following documents List :
- Covering letter of DEO/Dy.E.O/MEO/H.M
- Appendix—II (Mention the hospital recognition no. and date along with period of Recognition date from date to
- Emergency Certificate
- Essentiality Certificate
- Discharge Summery
- Non Drawl certificate
- Final bill Abstract (Total claimed amount should be In the final bill)
- Pension Payment Order (in case of Retired employees)
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The RJDSE’s and DEOs are also requested not to upload the Incomplete Medical proposals. While uploading the Medical bills, the password issued by the AP Online authorities is to be used. All above mentioned documents are to be duty verified, to confirm their genuineness, then up-load scanned and submit to the concerned authority.
In view of the above, all the RJDSE’s and DLOs are requested to Issue clear instructions under their control officers In the matter. Please inform all concerned that Medical bills submitted manually will not be accepted at office of the Commissioner of School Education from 15.12.2015 only online submission to be ensured.
Commissioner of School Education
To The Regional Joint Director of School Education in AP State
The Dist Educational Officers in the State Copy to the Director
A.P.Online authorities for information and necessary action
Copy to the IT cell of this office for information
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* Online Submission Official website
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