AP Primary Schools Rationalization Norms, Posts/ Staff Pattrrn Rationalization Guidelines 2017

AP Primary Schools Rationalization Posts, 1st to 5th Class Staff Pattern/ Teachers Rationalisation Guidelines 2017, AP GO 29 Rationalization for AP Primary Schools, Posts, Teachers Rationalisation Norms 2017, Key Points of Rationalization norms for the proposed rationalization of schools, posts and teachers 2017. Andhra Pradesh School Education release norms for Rationalisation of Primary / Elementary Schools, Posts and Staff under various managements (viz.) Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad Schools Orders Issued.

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Primary School (1st to 5th Classes) – Staff Pattern Rules GO 29

AP Primary Schools, Posts/ Staff, Teachers Rationalization Norms, Guidelines 2017
AP Primary Schools Teachers Rationalization Norms, Guidelines 2017 

AP Primary Schools Rationalisation Norms, Staff Pattern GO 29, ap Upper Primary (UP) Schools Rationalisation Guidelines, Primary Teachers Staff Pattern and High Schools Rationalisation Norms, Medium wise Staff Details.

(i) Allocation of Teachers to Primary Schools shall be on the basis of norms indicated in Table.
(ii) Consolidation of Primary Schools and creation of Model Primary Schools may be taken up as per G.O.Ms.No.39 Education (Ser.II) Department, Dated:07.08.2015 to G.O.Ms.No.51 Education (Ser.II) Department, Dated:07.08.2015 (pertains to respective districts) based on the integrated U-DISE data. All such Model Primary Schools shall be allocated 5 Teachers.
(iii) Primary Schools with <20 enrolment within 1 Km radius may be considered as Non-viable and consolidated with nearby existing school within 1 Km radius.
(iv) The Primary Schools with less than 20 enrollment within 1 KM radius where there are no other schools within 1 K.M. radius may be continued.
(v) After 340 student enrollment, for every 30 additional students, one additional SGT will be provided.
(vi) On completion of the entire Rationalization exercise, if any working SGT are found surplus (rendered without work due to norms as given above) in the district, such teacher shall be allotted in the descending order to <80 enrolment primary schools wherever requirement is there as per norms given above. If after doing this exercise still surplus SGT post along with teachers are remaining, after filling up all posts in the needy schools, such surplus teachers shall be kept in the District Educational Officer’s pool for further utilization based on need.
(vii) The LFL HM posts shall be provided to the Primary Schools having student enrolment of 131 and above. Where L.F.L. H.Ms are working in the schools having 130 and below the strength and not covered under compulsory transfer. Such LFL HM post may be adjusted against the justified SGT post in that school. Such LFL H.M. post may be treated as SGT in that school.
(viii) On Rationalization of schools where SGT is rendered without work, as the school is getting merged with other schools, the junior most SGT in that School shall be preferably be transferred to schools where vacancy has arisen due to student teacher norms, or as per other transfer norms.
(ix) All efforts should be taken to reduce single teacher schools in the district through appropriate consolidation of Primary Schools.
(x) In Scheduled area, Schools with less than 10 enrolment may be continued, if no scope for the consolidation.
(xi) Where there are both media in a Primary School, teachers shall be provided as per the justification for each medium based on enrolment.
(xii) Schools in SC/ST areas which are specially located for them and where there are no schools in vicinity, schools which are separated by natural barriers hillock, water bodies, streams (vagus) shall not be consolidated.
(xiii) Urdu medium schools shall be consolidated with other Urdu medium schools, if possible.

Primary School / Model Primary School (I to V Classes) – Staff Pattern Rules

Enrolment range
(I to V Classes)
Head Master No. of SGTs Total
311-340 1 11 12
281-310 1 10 11
251-280 1 9 10
221-250 1 8 9
191-220 1 7 8
161-190 1 6 7
131-160 1 5 6
81-130 5 5
61-80 3 3
20-60 2 2
Upto 19 1 1

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AP GO 29 AP Primary Schools Rationalization Guidelines Download
AP GO 29 AP UP/ High Schools Rationalization Guidelines Download

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