Anantapur MPEO Multi Purpose Extension Officer Notification 2017 AP MPEO Posts Apply

Anantapur District MPEO Notification, Apply for 41 MPEO Vacancies, AP Agriculture Department MPEO Recruitment 2017 – 41 Multi Purpose Extension Officer Posts Vacancy Details of AP Agriculture Department Anantapur MPEO Jobs 2017 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEO) – 41 Eligibility Criteria for AP Anantapur MPEO Jobs 2017, Andhra Pradesh District Selection Committee Anantapur released notification for the recruitment of the posts of 41 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEO) Posts under DSC Anantapur Recruitment. All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online within 22-11-2017 from the date of notification. other Details Like education qualification, age limit, selection process, application fee & how to apply, important links, syllabus, admit cards, results, previous papers are given Below.
MPEO Recruitment 2017 – DSC Anantapur 41 MPEO (Multi Purpose Extension Officer) Posts, Apply Now @ MPEO Government jobs , AP GO 792 Dt.07-11-2015 ,1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer notification , ap go 792 , Recruitment of AP MPEO jobs , AP Govt. jobs , go 792 , jobs , MPEO 1200 posts , Recruitment of 1200 AP MPEO Posts , Recruitment of 1200 AP MPEO Multi Purpose Extension Officer Horticulture Posts  , regarding duties & responsibilities, qualifications, selection procedure for MPEOs , consolidated
honorarium of Rs.8000/- per details here.

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Recruitment of AP MPEO Multi Purpose Extension Officer Govt. 1200 Jobs  

The Agriculture & Cooperation (Agri.II) Department have informed that, the Government have decided to allocate 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEOs) posts for Horticulture Department out of 6354 MPEO posts with exclusive qualification of Diploma in
The Commissioner of Horticulture, AP, Hyderabad has submitted proposal to issue necessary orders for appointment of 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEOs) posts in Horticulture
Department at a consolidated honorarium of Rs.8000/- per month without any allowance. He has furnished draft guidelines regarding duties & responsibilities, qualifications, selection procedure for MPEOs.

Duties and
Responsibility of Multi Purpose Extantion (HORTICULTURE) MPEOs (Horticulture) shall reside in the cluster head quarters as decided by the District Administration

  • Shall work under the
    direct control of Horticulture Officers.
  • Should sensitize the farmers on different issues related to
    Horticulture crops.
  • MPEOs (Horticulture) should assist Horticulture Officers in
    communicating required information to farming community with regard to
    different departmental schemes and latest/improved technologies for pre and
    post harvest.
  • Maintain the record/statistics of all Horticulture Crops
    area in his jurisdiction with regard to farmer information, cropping pattern,
    availability of resources, practices being followed, marketing etc.,
  • Also maintain scheme implementation registers in their area.
  • Assist the Horticulture Officers and other supervisory
    officers in field visits.
  • MPEOs (Horticulture) should motivate the farmers and collect
    applications and complete documentation for implementation of various
    departmental schemes like State Plan schemes/MIDH/RKVY/NMOOP/APMIP etc.,
  • Should mobilize farmers for organizing training
    programmes/Exposure visits/after sales service campaigns, buyers and sellers
    meet etc.,
  • Should actively participate in conduct of surveys with
    regard to Natural Calamities/Drought etc.,
  •  Maintain weather
    watch report and also coordinate other bankable schemes. In respect of horticulture crops covered with Crop insurance, the MPEOs shall create awareness among farmers and educate them about the facilities being provided by the Government and motivate them to go for crop insurance.
  • Shall provide information to the farmers with regard to subsidy schemes/incentives/farm equipment that are being provided by the Department under different programmes and educate the farmers to make use of these facilities.
  • MPEOs (Horticulture) shall update their knowledge with regard to different schemes of the Line Department which are integrated with
    horticulture department for providing necessary information to the farming community.
  • Should also attend any other duties as assigned by the Horticulture Officer or ADH/DDH at district level


B.Sc (Hort.,), B.Sc. (Agri.), Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma Holders(Dr. YSRHU/ recognized Universities) and ordinary B.Sc./M.Sc. with
Horticulture (as Optional subjects) in the second preference.Order of preference will be given to candidates having B.Sc., (Hort.,) Degree or B.Sc. (Agri.) followed by Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma holders and then ordinary B.Sc.,/M.Sc., Degree with Horticulture as one of the Optional subjects.

Selection Committe of MPEO Posts :

The selection for the posts of Multi Purpose Extension Officers (Horticulture) shall be done by the District Selection Committee constituted for the purpose with the following officers : 
  1. District
    Collector/Joint Collector : Chairman
  2. DD Horticulture/AD Horticulture : Member/Convener
  3. JD Agriculture or
    person authorized by JDA : Member
  4. Representative from YSR Hort. University : Member

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MPEO Selection Procedure : 

The section among the applicants will be made in the
following order of preference.

Category-I : B. Sc.,(Horticulture) / B.Sc., (Agriculture)
Category-II : Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma Holders
Category-III : Ordinary B.Sc.,/M.Sc., with Horticulture as
one of the Optional Subjects studied in recognized universities in Andhra
The Committee will commence the selection first from among the applicants in the first category. If sufficient number of candidates are not available, the Committee will select candidates from among the applicants in second category. If sufficient number of candidates are not available under second category, then the committee will select from among the Candidates under third category.

Candidates Age Limit : 

Candidate must be within the maximum age Limit of 40 years. The age relaxation in respect of SC, ST, BC and PH candidates shall be allowed
as per the provisions under Rule-12 of APS &SS Rules.

Selection shall be done through open advertisement in local news papers

  1. Selection will be on – 80% merit (Educational Qualification)
    and 20% based on performance in interviews. 
  2. 80% of the posts will be filled with LOCAL candidates and
    the remaining 20% will be filled with NON-LOCAL candidates as per rules in
  3. Roaster system and rule of reservation shall be followed as per rules.  

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* AP Anantapur District MPEO 41 Post Notification, Apply at Download 

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