Model Schools Entrance Test for admissions in to Classs VI 2016-17
AP Model Schools Director given orders to all Model Schools Principals to give wide publicity about Admission Notification for Class VIth for the academic year 2016-17. As on 8.1.16 only 738 candidates have paid fee for Entrance Test. Unless wide publicity is given about the test and advantages in study in Model Schools , poor parents will not come forward to join their children into Model Schools.
All the Principlas of A.P.Model Schools are informed that a Press Notification was issued for conducting VI Class Entrance Test for admission into 155 A.P.Model Schools in the State.
As on 08.01.2016 only 738 candidates have take fee for the entrance test further it is informed that, unless wide publicity about the test and the advantages it studying in Model schools poor parents will not come forward to join their children’s in model schools.
As such the following instructions are issued to all principals in model school’s to put their efforts more enrollment of students to 6th class Entrance test.
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- 1. A post Note to be issued in local news papers under news item.
- 2.The service of PGT and TGT may be utilized for visiting interior villages when primary schools are located in the catchment area of the model school this advantages in taking admission into model schools should be Explained to parent’s I.e free education, free books,free uniform, free food in the offer noon (midday meals),good infrastructure facility, highly Qualified teachers,extra study hours, particularly stressing that the medium of instructions is in English.
- 3. The parents to be ensured that once the admission is taking in 6th cladd.,the entire Education of their children’s up to 2nd year intermediate will be looked after by the Government.
- 4. Pamphlets to be printed and distributed in surrounding villages of Model schools narrating the advantages in studying Model schools.
- 5. Flex is may be displayed in important places I.e in O/o MRO,MDO,MRCs and in village secretaries.
All the principals of Model School’s are requested to take necessary step for giving wide publicity on 6th class Entrance Test.
The steps taken by the principal should be informed to the under signature on or before 18.01.2016 through mail for taking further in their matter.
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* AP Model Schools VI the Class Admission Online Application Download
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