AP Model School Teachers Transfers Schedule 2021 – APMS Teachers web counseling Guidelines (Online)

AP Model School Teachers Transfers Schedule 2021 – APMS Teachers web counseling Guidelines (Online) : AP Model School Teachers Transfers web counseling Dates, Application form, Counseling Process, How to Apply Online Application , Transfers Eligibility conditions Schedule through web counseling for APMS Teachers APMS Model Schools Principals and Teachers Transfers Eligibility conditions Schedule through web counseling as per GO No 264 at www.apms.cgg.gov.in.

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AP Model School Teachers Transfers Schedule 2021- APMS Teachers web counseling Guidelines Online

AP Model School Teachers Transfers Schedule 2020 - APMS Teachers web counseling Guidelines
Andhra Pradesh Model Schools (APMS) Principals and Teachers Transfers Eligibility conditions Schedule for Transfers through web counseling as per GO 264 , APMS Model Schools Principals and Teachers Transfers Eligibility conditions Schedule through web counseling as per GO 264. AP Model School Teachers Transfers Schedule 2021 – APMS Teachers web counseling Guidelines.

1. In the  reference 2nd read above, the Director of School Education, A.P., Vijayawada,  has  stated  that  General  Transfers  are  not  conducted  to  the teaching   staff  of  A.P.  Model  Schools  for  the  last  7  years  except  request transfers and   requested to conduct general transfers to the  teaching  staff of Model  Schools  i.e.,  TGT/PGT  with  Zone  as  a  Unit  and  for  Principals  with State as a Unit,   duly considering of 2 years as minimum and 5 years as long standing  to  the  teaching  staff  of  A.P.  Model  Schools,  on  par  with  other teachers  of Government  managements.

2. After   examination    of   the    matter,    Government   here   by   accord permission  to  the  Commissioner of School  Education,  A.P.,  Vijayawada,  to effect the  general transfers of employees  of teaching  staff of Model Schools through    counseling    on     par    with    other    teachers    of    Government managements.

3. Accordingly,  Government decided  to  issue the  guidelines for General Transfers  2021   to  the  teaching  staff of Model  Schools subject to  condition that  the  individuals  are  not  eligible  for  drawl  of TIA,  in  relaxation  of  ban orders and appended  to this  order as Annexure.

4. The  Commissioner  of  School  Education,  AP.,  Vijayawada,  shall  take further necessary  action  in  the matter,  accordingly.

5. This   order   issues   with   the    concurrence   of   the    Finance   (HR.I• Plg.&Policy) Department, vide          their  U.O.No.HROPDPP(TRP0)/244/2020 (Computer No.1218865)  dt.24.11.2021.


These  Transfer  Guidelines  are  applicable  to  all  the employees  working in  Model  School  in  the State  of A.P.

Eligibility to apply  for transfers:

a.  The employees  who  completed  05  (Five)  years of service at a  station irrespective  of cadre  as  on  01-11-2021  shall  be  invariably  liable  for transfer.

b. The  employees   who   have  completed   02   (two)  years  service  at  a station  irrespective  of cadre  as on 01-11-2021  shall  be eligible  to apply for transfer on request  basis.

Schedule  for Transfers:

Director  of  School   Education  shall   draw  a  schedule  for  effecting transfers  between  01-12-2021  to 31-12-2021.

Competent authority for issue of postings orders for AP Model School Teachers Transfers

The  appointing  authorities  concerned  i.e.  RJDSE  in  respect  of  PGTs and  TGTs and  the  Commissioner  in  respect  of  Principals  shall  issue transfer orders  based on the counselling.


a.  Those who  are  going  to  retire  within  2 years  from  1st November  2021 of  the   year in   which   transfers  are  to   be  taken   up,   shall   not  be transferred  until  and  unless  the incumbent  requests for such  transfer.

b.  The  Principals,  PGTs  and  TGTs who  required  transfer,  shall  submit application  through  online  at  https://cse.ap.gov.in.  The  online applications received  through the  website shall only  be considered for transfer and  processed  further.

c.  The previous applications sent in any manner to the  State office stand cancelled   and  shall   not  be   considered  for  these   transfers.  All  the Principals,   PGTs   and  TGTs  who   have   submitted   their  applications previously shall necessarily  apply  online,  if they  required  transfer.

d.  The  PGT  (Telugu)  who  were  relocated  will  be  given  the  service  and station  entitlement  points  from  their old place.

e.  Visually  challenged  teachers are  exempted  from  transfers.  However, if  such  teachers  desire  to  apply  for  transfer,   they   may  apply  for transfer counselling.

Seniority  Lists for AP Model School Teachers Transfers

a.  The  Provlslonal  Seniority  Lists  for  PGTs  and  TGTs  will  be  prepared, zonal  wise basing  on the  preferential  category / entitlement  points  and will be displayed  on website.

b.  The provisional seniority lists for Principals will  be prepared state wide basing  on  the  preferential  category  / entitlement  points  and  will  be displayed  at website.

c.  If  there   are   any   objections  /  grievances   regarding   seniority,   the applicants  can submit  the  same  through  the  online  link  provided  and the  same  will  be  forwarded  to  the  DEO  concerned.  The  DEOs  shall verify  all  the  objections  / grievances  carefully  and  can  reject or  edit the details  in  application  accordingly.

d.  Any    objections   I grievances  shall   be    sorted   out    by    DEOs concerned   only  in  stipulated  time  schedule  and  the  DEOs  are  held responsible  for the same.

e. The final  seniority  lists  will  be displayed  on website  and  those  shall  be final.   After  the   final   Seniority   Lists   are  displayed,   no   objection  / grievance  shall  be entertained  under any circumstances.

f.   If any  tie-up  occurs   in  the   seniority   lists,   the   following   order  of preference  shall  be  taken  in  to  account  for  fixing  seniority: (i)  Date  of Birth   among   the   same   seniority,   (ii)   Women   among   the   same seniority.

Vacancies and  Counselling:

a.  Transfers   of   all   the   categories   shall   only   be   taken   up   through counselling  as per the vacancies opened.

b.  The needy  vacancies  available  will  only  be displayed  for  the  transfers for all  categories for Zonal transfers.

c.  The Principals  can opt against vacancies in  the  State.

d.  The  PGTs  I TGTs,  applied  for  zonal  transfer,  can  opt  against  needy vacancies in  the concerned  zone only.

e. There  is  no  withdrawal  facility  of  transfer  application  once  confirmed by  the  Principal  / DEO.   However,  the  applicants  can  opt  any  of the following  options  as per their requirement:

i.    If any  applicant  not  opted  the   places  during  the   schedule   of counselling,  the  application  will  be  deemed  to  be cancelled  and  shall not  be  allowed  for  counselling  after  due  date  under  any circumstances.

ii.   The applicants  can opt for any  number of places  as per their  need. If  any  of  the   place  opted  is  not  allotted  to  the  applicant,  his/her original  place  will be retained.

iii.  Once the  place is allotted from  the  opted  places  in  counsel,ling,  it shall   be  final   and   shall   not   be   cancelled   I  changed   under  any circumstances.

f.   The  PGT / TGT who  have  completed  8  academic  years  of service  as NCC/Scouts  officer should  be  posted  in  a  vacancy  in  a  school, where there  is  NCC/Scouts  unit.  If  no  vacancy  is  available  in  other  School having  NCC/Scouts  Unit  they  shall be continued  in  the  same school  on their request.

AP Model School Teachers Transfers Conduct Guidelines Download
Teachers Transfers web counseling process Procedure Click Here
How to Apply Online Application for APMS Teachers Transfers click here
AP Model School Teachers Transfers Seniority list Download

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