Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme 5th Round Guidelines- Village Education Profile, Games Schedule

Janmabhoomi Ration Card Application form, Pension Application form Download, Form Status Janmabhoomi Committee Members of Village Janmabhoomi Committee Guidelines in Telugu Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Application Form, Village Janmabhoomi Committee in AP Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru, organised by state government, is an annual affair that lasts for 10 days. A distinct theme would be dedicated to each day and discussions, competitions, exhibitions and cultural programmes would be conducted on the theme. The Chief Minister discussed the Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru festival with the secretaries, advisors and officials. There will visits to all gram panchayats by mandal level teams, followed by daily theme-based activities like debates, Kuchipudi performances, painting and rangoli competitions. AP GO 3797 Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme Appointed 3rd Round Districts In-charge Officers. AP Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme 3rd Round Appointment of All India Services Officers as Incharges, Andhrapradesh Districts level officers Appointment of All India Services Officers as In-charges as Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru Programme. AIS – Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru Programme – 5th Round – Appointment of All India Services Officers as In-charges – Orders – Issued. Janmabhoomi Anantapur District Wise in charge , Kurnool YSR Kadapa Chittoor Nellore Prakasam Guntur Krishna west Godavari East Godavari Visakapatnam / Vizag Vijayanagaram Srikakulam Districts. AP G.O.NO:3797 Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme 3rd Round Appointment of All India Services Officers as Districts In- charges. Andra Pradesh General Administration (SC.A) Department G.O.RT.No. 3797 Dated: 26-12-2017.

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Janma Bhoomi Maavooru Programme Schedule and Guidelines

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh has decided in this round of Janmabhoomi Programme to focus on Village / Ward Development essentially centering around nine (9) important themes. And the village / ward profile for the theme should have the following contents.

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  1. Last three years significant achievements (year-wise) on all the Govt. schemes being implemented by the department 
  2. Major Challenges. 
  3. Key Issues. 
  4. Gaps identified. 
  5. Visions targets. 

On January 7, there will be a 5K Run organised in every village dedicated to Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru. On January 11, the last day, a mega grounding mela would be held where social welfare department would distribute the assets to the minorities.

Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme from 2nd to 11th January,2018 -Instructions

Read the following: 

1. G.O.Rt.No.3285, General Administration (SC.A) Department, Dated:30.09.2014.
2. G.O.Rt.No.3334, General Administration (SC.A) Department, Dated:01.10.2014.
3. G.O.Rt.No.1611, General Administration (SC.A) Department, Dated:28.05.2015.

O R D E R:

1.Government have launched Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru in campaign mode in all Gram Panchayats and Municipal Wards in the State and the 1st round of the Programme was commenced on 5th round of the programme during 5th -2th Jan, 2018. In the G.O 3rd referred above, orders were issued nominating, certain All India Service Officer as In-charges of the ‘Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru’ Programme. Now, the Government have decided to take up 5th round Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru Programme from 2nd January, 2018 to 11th January, 2018.
2. Government, hereby nominate the following All India Service Officers as In-charges of the 5th round ‘Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru’ Programme from 2nd January, 2018 to 11th January, 2018.
3. The All India Service Officers listed above are requested to be in touch with Planning Department for further instructions in the matter.
4. The Planning Department shall take necessary further action in this regard.
Janmabhumi Programme Sports and Games Schedule Download
➣  Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme Village Education Profile Download New

Download Janmabhoomi Applications, Guidelines in Telugu Below links :

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➣  Janmabhoomi – Maa Vooru Programme Guidelines in Telugu Download
➣  Janma Bhoomi 5th Round CSE Proceeding Download
➣  Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru Programme Ration Card Application Form Download 

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