AP GO 168 DSC 2014 Committee to Inspect the irregularities Question setting and Finay

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AP GO 168 DSC 2014  Constitution of Committee to inspect the irregularities committed in setting Question Booklets / Final Answer keys 

AP GO 168 Dt. 28-08-2015  School Education DSC 2014 Committee to  Inspect the irregularities Question setting and Final ke of TET-cum-TRT for recruitment of Teachers in DSC 2014
1.AP Government issued the Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules for recruitment of teachers through DSC 2014. Accordingly C&DSE issued Notification No.66/ TRC-1/2014, dated 21/11/2014 for recruitment to 10313 posts of School Assistants, Language Pandits, Secondary Grade Teachers, Physical Education Teachers in Government, Zilla Parishad and Mandal Parishad Schools in the State through District Selection Committees. Written Tests were conducted in the State from 9/5/2015 to 11/5/2015 and marks were declared on 2/6/2015.
2. It was noticed that even after publishing of final answer key to Question papers, several anomalies and mistakes were reported by candidates. On review, it was found that the question papers and answer keys were prepared in a very casual manner, thereby creating lot of confusion and avoidable embarrassment to the Govt.
3. The Govt. have decided to constitute a committee to investigate into the irregularities in setting question Booklets and final answer key of DSC 2014 etc., and indentify the persons responsible for the above irregularities for initiating necessary action against the concerned officers.
4. Accordingly, Government after careful examination of the m atter hereby constitute, a Committee with the following officers for the aforesaid purpose.

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  1. 1. Sri Balasubrahmanyam, IAS, Chairman Member Secretary Admission & Fee Regulatory Committee (AFRC), HACA Bhavan, Hyderabad.
  2. 2. Sri V.S. Bhargava ..Member Secretary Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada.

5. The Committee is requested to submit their report within 30 days from the date of issue of order to take further action in the matter. Report must include recommendation on further action to be taken in specific cases, responsible persons and also to prevent such incidents in future.

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