AP GO 13 ECCE Council for monitoring and implementation of the ECCE Policy

AP GO 13 ECCE Council for monitoring and implementation of the ECCE Policy : AP Department for Women, Children, Differently Abled & Senior Citizens -Constitution of State ECCE Council for monitoring and implementation of the ECCE Policy in the state – Orders – Issued.


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Read the following:-

1. From Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development Government of India, F.No.1-1/2013-ECCE, Dated 03.03.2014.
2. From Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare, AP, Hyderabad Letter No.2696/K2/2014, dated 21.11.2014.


In the reference 1st read above the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Women & Child Development Government of India has informed that the National ECCE Council has been constituted through a resolution vide Government of India letter dated 26-02-2014. Further he has mentioned that according to the policy corresponding Council at the State is to be constituted within 18 months from 27th September, 2013 – 26th March, 2015 and requested to put all efforts to constitute ECCE Council which will further enable the implementation of ECCE Policy.

2. The Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad vide reference 2nd cited has submitted the proposals for constitution of State ECCE Council for monitoring and implementation of the ECCE Policy in the state.

3. After careful examination of the above proposal, the Government hereby constitute State ECCE Council with the following members for monitoring and implementation of the ECCE Policy in the state as per National Early Childhood Care and Education Council pattern.
4. The Member Secretary may co-opt and to invite Early Childhood Care and Education experts, Development partners etc., with the permission of the Chairperson (President)/Executive Vice President of the Council. The meetings will be held as decided by the council and / or as directed by Government from time to time.
5. The Experts/Development partners may be co-opted and invited with the permission of the chairperson.

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6. Tenure

  • The tenure of the nominated members shall be two years
  • The casual vacancies, other than ex-officio members, shall be filled by the authority which nominated those members whose place falls vacant.
  • The person nominated to a casual vacancy shall be a member of the Council for the residue of the term for which the member whose place he/she fills would have been a member.

7. Terms of Reference

  1. The State Early Childhood Care and Education Council will have powers to create/constitute thematic/technical committees on themes as may be considered relevant, to build technical expertise and competence and to meet the emerging challenges in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education.
  2. The Executive Committee will execute and implement the decisions of the governing (General) Council. It will be empowered to implement the decisions of the Council. It may constitute thematic Sub-Committee as per directions/decisions of the Council for furthering the functions of the Council.

8. The Special Commissioner, Women Development & Child Welfare Department, Hyderabad shall take necessary action in the matter.

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