AP FA3 Time Table Jan 23rd to 29th, 2024 (Today) AP FA 3 CBA 2 Time Table (New Revised) Formative-3, CBA2 Revised Time Table, Dates Download

AP FA3 Time Table (OUT) 2023 Formative-3 Revised Time Table, Dates Download

AP FA3 Time Table (OUT) 2024 Formative-3, CBA2 Revised Time Table, Dates Download | AP FA3 Time Table Jan 23rd to 29th, 2024 

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AP FA3 Time Table Jan 23rd to 29th, 2024. The Andhra Pradesh State Board of School Education has Released the AP FA3 Exam Time Table for the 2024 Session. The AP FA3 1st to 10th Class 2024 Exam will be held on January 3rd and 6th, 2024. AP FA3 Time Table, Formative Assesment -3 , Exam Schedule Dates  AP FA3 Exam Time Table 2024 The AP FA3 (CBA2) Exam 2024 Results will also be available on the official website. Best wishes From For Excellent Performance in All Subjects, including Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science, and Social Studies. AP FA3 Time Table, Class Room Based Assesment-2 Exam Dates. AP FA3 Time Table 2024.

FA1 Question Papers 2024: Download (Updated)

Formative Assesment – 3 (Class Room Based Assesment-2): 23rd to 29th January 2024

Formative Assessment – 4: 23rd to 29th Feb 2024

Pre-Public Exams for X Class: 23 To 29 Feb 2024

Summative Assesment-2 (Class Room Based Assessment 3) : 11 to 20 April 2024

AP School Formative Assessment- 3 Exam Time Table 2024

AP School FA Schedule| AP FA3 Time Table 2024 | AP CBA2 Time Table 2024| | TS FA1 Time Table | TS FA1 Time Table 2024 |On behalf of the Government of Telangana, the Director of School Education has Released the AP School FA3 Time Table, TS School FA 3 Time Table 2024, or TS School FA Formative Assessment Exam Time Table 2024 – 2025. on its School Education Telangana website.  AP Half Yearly, Annually, Quarterly Model papers 2024 | AP FA3 Time Table AP SCERT Official FA3 Key Sheet March 2024 Students taking the FA 3 Exams can review the details and Download the Exam Schedule From this page.

Formative Assessment 3 Exam dates and FA 3 Assessment Procedure are available for students to review. AP Schools Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Exams Time Table 2024: AP Schools Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Exams Time Table, FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4, Exams Time Table, SA1 and SA2 Exams Time Table, Quarterly, Half-yearly, and Annual Exams Time Table.

Name of the time tableAP FA3 Time Table 2024
Name of the TitleDownload AP School FA 3 Time Table 2024
SubjectDSE Telangana Released the AP School FA 3 Exams Time Table 2024
CategoryAP Fa3 Time Table
AP School FA 3 Exam Dates23-01-2024 to 29-01-2024

Telangana Schools FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4 Exam Time Table 2024

AP School FA Time Table 2024 | Following are the Dates and Months for Various Internal Exams in Telangana Schools Internal Exams, or Formative Assessments (FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4), are Scheduled. Four Times, Namely FA1, FA2, FA3, and FA4. FA 3 Telugu Project Works Two More Summative Assessments are Planned. The Dates and Months of Both Formative Assessment and Summative Examinations are listed Below.

AP FA 3 CBA 2 Time Table for 1st to 5th Classes

Students in Classes one Through Five will take the Formative Assessment-3 Exam in Two sessions. Exams will take place in the Morning Sessions from 9:30 to 10:30. The exam will take place in the afternoon session from 01:20 to 02:20. A comprehensive Schedule of CBA 2 exams for students in classes 1 through 5 is provided below.

FA 3 CBA 2 Exam DatesMorning Session Subject wise TimingsAfternoon Session Subject wise Timings
23rd January 2024Telugu (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM)Mathematics (01:20 PM to 02:20 PM)
25th January 2024Environmental Science (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM)English Part A (01:20 PM to 02:20 PM)
English Part B (02:30 PM to 02:50 PM) for 3rd, 4th and 5th Classes
27th January 2024OSSC (09:30 AM to 10:30 AM) for 3rd, 4th and 5th classes

AP FA 3 CBA 2 Time Table for 6th to 8th Classes 2024

Students in the sixth and eighth grades will take the Formative Assessment 3 exam in a single session separated by ten minutes. The dates of the FA 3 exam are set on January 23, 25, 27, and 29 2024. The sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students’ FA 3 CBA 2 exam schedule will be in effect.

FA 3 CBA 2 Exam DatesSubject wise Timings
23rd January 2024Telugu (01:10 PM to 02:10 PM)
Mathematics (02:20 PM to 03:20 PM)
25th January 2024Hindi (01:10 PM to 02:10 PM)
General Science (02:20 PM to 03:20 PM)
27th January 2024Social Studies (01:10 PM to 02:10 PM)
English Part A (02:20 PM to 03:20 PM)
English Part B (03:30 PM to 03:50 PM)
29th January 2024OSSC – 1 Persia, Arabic (01:10 PM to 02:10 PM)
OSSC – 2 Persia, Arabic (02:20 PM to 03:20 PM)

AP FA 3 CBA 2 Schedule for 9th & 10th Classes

FA 3 CBA 2 Exam DatesSubject wise Timings
23rd January 2024Telugu (09:30 AM to 10:15 AM)
Mathematics (10:30 AM to 11:15 AM)
25th January 2024Hindi (09:30 AM to 10:15 AM)
General Science (10:30 AM to 11:15 AM)
27th January 2024Social Studies (09:30 AM to 10:15 AM)
English Part A (10:30 AM to 11:15 AM)
English Part B (11:30 AM to 11:50 AM)
29th January 2024OSSC – 1 (09:30 AM to 10:15 AM)
OSSC – 2 (10:30 AM to 11:15 AM)

AP FA3 Time Table 2024 in AP Schools

FA 3 Question Papers for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Class (pdf) – Formative 3 for Primary School Slip Test 2024: AP School FA Time Table FA3 Slip tests and Formative Assessment 3 Question Papers in Telugu, English, Mathematics, and EVS Subjects Download for the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Class. FA 3 English Question Papers 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Class 6th,7th,8th,9th,10th AP / Telangana Formative 3 CCE Question Papers for First Class Telugu, Ap FA3 Question Papers Download 2nd Class English, Mathematics, Science/ EVS, and Social Subjects.

Formative 3 Primary School Exam Pattern and Marks Distribution

SNOAssessment ToolsMarks
1.Children’s Participation and Responses10
2.Written items children10
3.Children’s Projects and Project Reports10
4.Children have written expression/Slip test20

AP Schools Fa3 Time Table AP FA3 Timetable & Guidelines 2024 PDF Time Table for Ap FA-3 Exams 2024:

The AP School Education Department has directed that all District DEOs complete the Formative Assessment-III Exams by Jan 2024 As a result, the respective DEOs and school HMs are releasing the AP FA3 Time Table. Download the FREE PDF of the AP FA-3 Time Table 2024 from the links provided below. FA 3 Maths Model Question Papers for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Classes The FA3 Exams will be held on Jan 3rd, 2024, according to the schedule.

The Attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is Drawn to the References cited Above, and it is Announced that Formative Assessment- 3 for classes 1 to 10 will be held as per the Schedule Below.

1. Conduct of FA-3 (Slip test)
2. Teacher Evaluation of Answer scripts

3. Scrutiny/random verification of answer scripts and authenticity of valuation by Headmasters/MEOs in the case of government schools, aided schools and specially constituted teams in the case of private unaided and aided schools.
4. Online submission of grades
5. Creating class and subject-specific lists of underachievers and developing remedial coaching.

CBA2 Dates for 1st to 5th Classes

DateSession 1Session 2
03.01.2024For classes 3 to 5
OSSC 10.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M
04.01.2024Telugu 10.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M
(1st Language)
02.00 P.M to 3.00 P.M
10.00 A.M to 11.00 A.M
Environmental Science
02.00 P.M to 3.00 P.M

CBA2 Dates for classes (6th to 8th)

Date6,7,8 Classes
03.01.2024OSSC, OSSC-I, (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
OSSC-II (03.00 P.M to 04.00 P.M)
04.01.2024Telugu, (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M) (1st Language)
Mathematics (03.00 P.M to 04.00 P.M)
05.01.2024Hindi, (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M) (2nd Language)
General Science (03.00 P.M to 04.00 P.M)
06.01.2024English (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M) (3rd Language)
Social Studies (03.00 P.M to 04.00 P.M)

AP FA3 Time Table for 9th and 10th Classes

Date9,10 Classes
03.01.2024OSSC, OSSC-I, (09.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M)
OSSC-II Noon (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon).
04.01.2024Telugu, (09.30 A.M to 10.15 A.M) (1st Language)
Mathematics (11.00 A.M to 11.45 Noon
05.01.2024Hindi, (09.30 A.M to 10.15 A.M) (2nd Language)
General Science Noon (11.00 A.M to 11.45 Noon)
06.01.2024English (09.30 A.M to 10.15 A.M) (3rd Language)
Social Studies Noon (11.00 A.M to 11.45 Noon)

Formative Assessment Exam Schedules and Planning 2024

Formative assessments are typically scheduled periodically throughout the academic term to monitor student progress and adjust instruction as needed. The exact schedule and planning of formative assessments will depend on the educational institution and its policies. However, here are some general steps to consider:

  1. Determine the goals and objectives of the formative assessments.
  2. Decide on the type of assessment, such as quizzes, class discussions, homework assignments, etc.
  3. Create a timeline for the assessments, taking into account any important dates or events that may affect the schedule.
  4. Communicate the schedule to students and ensure they have sufficient time to prepare.
  5. Use the results of the formative assessments to inform instruction and make any necessary adjustments.

It’s important to note that formative assessments should not be used solely for grading or determining final grades, but rather as a tool for improving learning and instruction.

Formative Assessment Exams Main Roles and Responsibilities 2024

The Roles and Responsibilities for FA3 Exams can vary Depending on the Context, but Typically, the Following are Involved:

  • Students: They are responsible for studying and preparing for the exams, as well as attending and participating in the exams.
  • Teachers: They are responsible for conducting the exams, ensuring the students understand the exam format and rules, and grading the exams.
  • School administration: They are responsible for overseeing the exam process, setting exam schedules, and ensuring that the exams are conducted in a fair and orderly manner.
  • Exam boards: They are responsible for setting the exam syllabus, designing the exam papers, and providing guidelines and regulations for the conduct of the exams.
  • Parents: They are responsible for supporting their children in their exam preparation and ensuring that they attend the exams on time.

It’s important to note that the specific roles and responsibilities may differ based on the country, state, or educational institution in question.

Tips for preparing for FA3 exams:

  1. Know the syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the topics and concepts that will be covered in the exam. Make a list of key terms and definitions, and review them regularly.
  2. Study regularly: Make a study schedule and stick to it. Allocate sufficient time for each subject or topic, and review your notes regularly.
  3. Practice solving problems: Practice solving problems and answering questions related to the course material. Use past papers and sample questions to get a feel for the types of questions that may be asked.
  4. Use visual Aids: Use mind maps, flashcards, and other visual aids to help you retain information.
  5. Stay organized: Keep your study materials organized and easily accessible. This will help you find what you need quickly and avoid wasting time searching for lost notes.
  6. Seek Help: If you are having trouble with a particular topic or concept, seek help from a teacher, tutor, or study group.
  7. Take Breaks: Regular breaks are important for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. Make sure to take breaks every hour or so, and engage in activities that will refresh your mind.
  8. Stay calm: Avoid stress and anxiety by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in physical exercise. Try to relax and stay positive in the lead-up to the exam.
  9. Review your work: After finishing a practice exam, review your answers to see what you did well and what you need to improve. Use this feedback to guide your future study efforts.
  10. Prepare mentally and physically: Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly in the lead-up to the exam. Arrive at the exam location early to avoid last-minute stress and anxiety.

AP FA3 – CBA2 – Model Papers 

AP FA3 CBA-2 6th Class Model papers (OMR Based Exam – 2024) Question papers, Syllabus, Pattern Download
AP FA3 CBA-2 7th Class Model papers (OMR Based Exam – 2024) Question papers, Syllabus, Pattern Download
AP FA3 CBA-2 8th Class Model papers (OMR Based Exam – 2024) Question papers, Syllabus, Pattern Download

FAQ for AP FA3 Time Table Jan 23rd to 29th, 2024

Q1: What is FA 3 (Formative Assessment – 3) CBA 2?

A1: Formative Assessment – 3 (FA 3) is a Class Room Based Assessment-2 (CBA 2) conducted in Andhra Pradesh schools. It is aimed at assessing students’ understanding of various subjects.

Q2: When is AP FA 3 (CBA 2) scheduled to take place?

A2: AP FA 3 (CBA 2) is scheduled from January 23rd to January 29th, 2024.

Q3: Where can I find the revised time table for AP FA 3 (CBA 2)?

A3: The revised time table for AP FA 3 (CBA 2) can be downloaded from the official website at https://scert.telangana.gov.in/.

Q4: Which classes are included in FA 3 (CBA 2)?

A4: FA 3 includes assessment for classes 1st to 10th.

Q5: What are the subjects for which FA 3 question papers are available?

A5: FA 3 question papers are available for subjects including Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, General Science, Physical Science, Biology, and Social Subjects.

Q6: Where can I find the FA 3 question papers for 1st to 5th class?

A6: FA 3 question papers for 1st to 5th class can be accessed on the official website at https://scert.telangana.gov.in/.

Q7: Where can I find the FA 3 question papers for 6th to 10th class?

A7: FA 3 question papers for 6th to 10th class can also be downloaded from the official website at https://scert.telangana.gov.in/.

Q8: How can I prepare for FA 3 exams?

A8: To prepare for FA 3 exams, students should thoroughly review their class materials, textbooks, and any additional resources provided by the school. Practice solving previous question papers and seek clarification on doubts from teachers.

Q9: Can I get additional information about FA 3 on the official website?

A9: Yes, for any additional information or updates regarding FA 3, you can visit the official website at https://scert.telangana.gov.in/ or contact your school authorities.

Q10: What should I do if I have concerns about the FA 3 schedule or question papers?

A10: If you have concerns or queries about the FA 3 schedule or question papers, it is recommended to reach out to your school administration or relevant education authorities for clarification and assistance.

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