Anathapur District Surplus SGT SA LP Teachers Tentative Seniority List

Anathapur District SGT Surplus Teachers list SA Rationalization Tententive Seniority list , LP surplus  Teachers , Gr II HM surplus list

Secondary Grade Teachers Surplus Tentative Seniority List 

School Assistants , Language Pandits teachers Surplus Tententive Seniority list 

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(i) Shall identify the surplus teachers category wise. school wise surplus teachers.
(ii) Shall upload both the category of surplus teachers those who are surplus as per the proposed new norms game as per their seniority in the cadre.
(iii) Shall asses the need in all schools, category wise, school wise upload the same.
(iv) The identified Surplus teachers shall have to exercise online web option for posting to needy schools on work adjustment basis.
(v) Surplus teachers allocation will be done as per their seniority in the cadre/ category.
Anantapur District Educational Officer List Out and Rationalization / Surplus teacher posts Norms and Proforma and Tentative Seniority List in given below on the Basis of R.C.No:25 Dated 17/12/2015 For Revised Norms and  Tentative Seniority List in Respective Maner.

Income Tax Software FY 2024 2025: Download (C Ramanjaneyulu)

Proforma Download 

Tentative Rationalization High School Seniority List Download

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*  R.c.No: 25 Dated 17.12.2015 Surplus Norms Download 

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