3 Pairs Supply of School Uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO

3 Pairs Supply of School Uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO

RC No.SSA/9/2019-MIS SEC-SSA, Date. 06-2019. Supply of 3 pairs of school uniforms – stitching work assigned to schools, APCO Supply of 3 pairs of school uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO stitching work assigned to schools Rc.SSA/9. Supply of 3 pairs of school uniforms – stitching work assigned to AP schools. గౌరవ SPD గారి ఆదేశముల మేరకు స్కూల్ యూనిఫామ్ క్లాత్ స్కూల్ పాయింట్ కు ఆప్కో వారిచే సరఫరా చేయబడుతుంది. కుట్టుకూలీ పిల్లల తల్లుల అకౌంట్ నందు జమ చేయబడును.అందుకు సంబంధించిన ఉత్తర్వులు, సూచనలు.requirement of stitching charges SMCs & Mandal wise to be paid to accounts of mother excluding the supply of stitched uniform by APCO and submit to this office by 06.07.2019 without any delay.

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3 Pairs Supply of School Uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO

3 Pairs supply of School Uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO
3 Pairs Supply of School Uniforms Poor Progress Cessation of stitching by APCO

Supply of 3 pairs of school uniforms – Poor Progress – Cessation of stitching by APCO stitching work assigned to schools

All the Project Officers are here by informed that the Government has taken a serious view regarding the poor progress in supply of uniform to school Children. Government have also observed that by supplying pre stitched uniforms to the children there is a mismatch in the sizes as the uniforms are not stitched as per individual measurements of the children . Hence it is decided to supply the cloth to the children and released the stitching charge to the parents / SMCs.

In this regard the APCO is informed to supply the existing material at stitching points to mandal points immediately by 06.07.2019. From 08.07.2019 only cloth shall be received from APCO and stitching work may be assigned to schools.

The Project Officers are therefore requested to asses to the requirement of stitching charges SMCs & Mandal wise to be paid to accounts of mother excluding the supply of stitched uniform by APCO and submit to this office by 06.07.2019 without any delay.

This shall be attended to on priority.

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