UDISE Plus Student Module Profile & Facilities, Teacher Module, Students Module, and Report Module 2024-25 | UDISE PLUS Special with Latest Changes
UDISE Plus Student Module 2024-2025 Login UdisePlus.gov.in The Student Database Management System (SDMS) is a System Designed to Manage student Records Such as Profiles, Enrollment, Dropouts, Transfers, and progression/Holdbacks. It provides Reports at Multiple levels and Supports data storage, processing, and sharing. It provides student information at various educational levels and is user-friendly, with specific search tools. It is deployed in a federated fashion for many entities and consolidates data at the national level.
UDISE+ Student Database Management System (SDMS):-
The Student Database Management System is designed to manage student records such as student profiles, Enrollment, dropouts, transfers, progression/holdback, and so on. This facilitates the generation of reports at the Central, State, District, Block, and School levels.
UDISE Plus Student Module Profile & Facilities This System is Utilised for Data Storage, Updating, manipulation, analysis, and Sharing. This system allows you to Access and Manage Student information Easily. Additionally, Specialised Search Tools aid in the tracking of student Records.
This system Contains Student Information for School Education, including various Boards, School Management, Autonomous bodies, vocational and open School students, etc. The Student Database Management System is Deployed in a Federated Fashion for various states, Autonomous Entities, and school management as independent instances based on their requirements. This Management System Collects Student information From States and Autonomous bodies (federated entities) and Reliably Aggregates data for diverse schools at the national level. It also Sends the Necessary information To Unified District Information For Education Plus (UDISE+).
Udise Add New Student online

UDISE Data Capture Format
UDISE Plus Student Module 2024-25 provides a comprehensive platform for schools from Pre-Primary to Class-12 to enter and maintain data. This module, which can be accessed via the official website UdisePlus.gov.in, is divided into sections such as Data Capture Format, School Profile and Other Details, School Safety and Other Indicators, Receipts and Expenditure, Vocational Education Details, and information on Physical Facilities, Equipment, Computer, and Digital initiatives. It also includes sections for recording teaching and non-teaching Staff Details, Student information, and Enrollment in other Sorts of Schools.
The Department of School Education and Literacy Built this Centralised System with the Goal of Streamlining Data Gathering and improving Educational Administration in Schools across the Country.
★ మన పాఠశాల లాగిన్ లో డ్రాప్ బాక్స్ లో పెట్టడ్రనికి వీలులేని (మాాప ింగ్ ద్రారా వచ్చిన) విద్రార్థులను Drop Box లో పెట్టట పూరిి విధరనము – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ విద్రారిు యొక్క తర్గతి మారచి విధరనిం – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ విద్రార్థుల తర్గతి మార్థిట్క్ు కావల్స్న SO3 ఫార్ిం : Click Here
★ మన పాఠశాలలో చదువుతునన అిందరి విద్రార్థుల PEN ఒకచ ఫెైల్ లో డ్ౌన్లోడ్ చేసుక్ున్ే పూరిి విధరనిం – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ ఇతర్ పాఠశాలల నుిండ్ి వచ్చిన విద్రార్థులను Import Module ద్రారా Add చేసుక్ున్ే పూరిి విధరనిం – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ మన పాఠశాల విడ్ిచ్చ వెళ్లోన (Left the School with TC / Without TC) విద్రార్థులను Drop Box లో పెట్టట పూరిి విధరనము – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ Student Progression Activity – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here
★ UDISE+ సటటడ్ ింట్ మాడ్టాల్ ల్సింక్స : Click Here
★ UDISE+ ట్ీచర్ మాడ్టాల్ ల్సింక్స : Click Here
★ UDISE+ Profile & Facilities : Click Here
★ UDISE+ Password మార్థిక్ున్ే విధరనిం, HM పేర్థ, Mobile, email మార్థిక్ున్ే పూరిి విధరనిం – ల ైవ్ వీడ్ియో : Click Here