TS:GO.11 Dt.15-6-15,Revised Norms& Guidelines for Rationalization

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Telangana Statsre  Revised Norms& Guidelines for Rationalization relsd vide GO.11 Dt.15-6-15.

Revised norms for Rationlization

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  1. PS: up to 30 -1 SGT
  2. UP(VI to VII / VIII): Up to  – 100 – 2SA(Maths/Sci or SS)+2Pandits=4
  3. HS(VI to X): Up to 220: 1HM+5SAs+2Pandits+1PET=9
  4. For Adtnl posts fr parallel E/M sections VI-X strength should be above 50.
  5. Parallel Medium High School-Minor medium Staff pattern: Up to 220- 4 SAs(M+PS+BS+SS)


  1. Schools in the same premises shall be merged
  2. If two or more PS and UP Schools are in the same premises they shall be merged  into a single UPS.
  3. If two or more PS and High Schools are in the same premises they shall be merged  in such a way, that only one Primary  School and one High School shall function in the same premises.
  4. If two or more PS,UPS and High Schools are in the same premises they shall be merged  in such a way, PS of the UP School shall be merged in Primary School with classes I to V and the Upper Primary sections of 6th and 7th class shall be merged with High School. (i.e 1PS+1HS)
  5. The Girls High Schools shall not be merged with co-education or   Boys High Schools.
  6. In case of two or more schools running in the same premises with different media of instruction / different Managements, then the schools with same medium / Management shall be amalgamated such that there shall be schools with single medium / Management only


  1. SGT posts shall be shifted to other needy PS/ UPS within  the same management
  2. Other than SGT posts be shifted to other needy UPS/ HS within  the same management according to enrolment slabs (descending order).
  3. Posts sanctioned to the Schools with 0 (Zero) enrolment in Primary ,Upper Primary  and High Schools  should be identified as surplus
  4. Surplus posts and surplus teachers identified should be shifted to plain  to plain and agency to agency area
  5. Parallel E/M sections  in High Schools with enrolment up to  50  shall be identified and the students should be admitted in English Medium sections of nearby Schools / Model Schools / Residential Schools and posts 
  6. sanctioned for these additional sections shall be shifted to the needy schools in the same management


  1. The junior-most teacher in the seniority in category working in the school shall be identified as a surplus teacher(s).  In case senior teacher(s) prefers to leave the school, senior teacher(s) shall be identified as surplus and if the teacher is a Visually Handicapped and not completed (8) years shall not be identified as surplus teacher(s) against his willingness.  However, if no post exists after rationalization, Visually Handicapped teacher shall also participate in the counseling
  2. Identification of surplus teachers, notification of vacancies, publication of seniority list and posting of surplus teachers shall be as per the Transfer Guidelines to be issued by the Government

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