TSPSC TRT Online Certificate Verification Schedule (LP Telugu SA Social Telugu) – Required Certificates List 2020

TSPSC TRT Online Certificate Verification Schedule (LP Telugu SA Social Telugu) – Required Certificates List 2020. Certificate verification to be held from 04.06.2020 to 12.06 2020 Online The subject Wise, date wise schedule of certificates verification released by TSPSC. For the convenience of the candidates, the certificate verification will be conducted Online. Please visit the Commission’s website www.tspsc.gov.in for the further details. TSPSC TRT LP Telugu Certificates verification dates, List of Documents 2020, TSPSC TRT LP Language Pandit Teachers Certificates verification Schedule. TSPSC TRT LPT Merit List Results for Verification of Certificates. TS TRT LPT list of selected candidates will be announced soon and The subject Wise, date wise schedule of LPT Certificates verification released on the TSPSC Web portal.

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TSPSC TRT Online Certificate Verification Schedule (LP Telugu SA Social Telugu) – Required Certificates List 2020

TSPSC TRT is hereby informed that, with reference to the Commission’s web note Dt: 17/03/2020, the certificate verification (4th spell) vide selection notification Dt: 17/03/2020 to the post of Language Pandit –Telugu vide Notification No.54/2017 was postponed due to COVID -19. Now the TSPSC has decided to conduct online certificate verification to be held from 04.06.2020 to 12.06 2020. Safety measure to prevent spread of COVID -19 by preventing physical presence of candidates to avoid travel by candidates to TSPSC office. The candidates who have been provisionally picked up for Certificate verification are hereby informed to get ready to upload required ORIGINAL certificates.

Further, the candidates who were picked up for certificate verification vide notification Dt:20/03/2020 for the post of School Assistant – Social Studies – Telugu Medium, vide notification No.52/2017 also informed to get ready with required certificate and its copies to upload the certification from 04 06.2020 to 12 06.2020.
The procedure of online certificate verification will be informed at the earliest.

Required Certificates / Documents are as follows:

  • Checklist (Basic information data) 1 Set to be filled by the candidate (download from the Commission’s website).
  • Web option Document
  • Hall Ticket
  • Date of Birth Certificate (SSC Memo)
  • Un-Employee declaration for claiming fee exemption for the applicants who are in the age group of 18-44 years (OC Un-Employees)
  • School Study certificate from 4th to 10th class or Certificate of Residence/Nativity (When the candidates have not studied in School but studied privately or in open school)
  • Provisional or Convocation Certificate and Marks Memo (Graduation/PG/B.Ed/TET)
  • Integrated Community certificate (Caste Certificate) issued by T.S. Government with Father/ Mother Name.
  • Non-Creamy Layer certificate for BC Community Candidates with father name as per Memo No. 3009/BCW/OP/2011, Govt., of Telangana, BC Welfare (OP) Department, Dt: 18-12-2015. (Prescribed format hosted on Website)
  • Disability Certificate (SADAREM Certificate) in case of PH candidates. The PH candidates have to undergo a medical examination at respective Medical Board.
  • Proof of age relaxation in case of Telangana State Government Servant (Regular Service certificates from the concerned department, Government of Telangana State/ NCC instructor certificate/ Retrenched Census service certificate, Ex-servicemen Certificate if any.
  • NOC from employer for In-service candidates
  • 2 sets of Attestation forms duly signed by Gazetted Office
  • Agency Certificate (ST Candidates belongs to Agency Area).
  • Any other relevant document in pursuance of Notification

Nore details at TSPSC TRT Officail website Click here

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