TSPSC Exam Notification 2022 and How to Apply For TSPSC Departmental Test
TSPSC Departmental Test Notification 2022 – Telangana State Public Service Commission – Hyderabad Departmental Exams 2022 – May-November Session Exam Dates Notification Apply Online @tspsc.gov.in The Departmental Tests May / Nov 2022 Session May or Notification 2022 will be announced by the TSPSC. TS Departmental Test Hall Tickets On-line Applications are being Accepted from Telangana State Employees using the proforma Available on the official website http://www.tspsc.gov.in.
Departmental Tests will be held in On-Line mode with CBT (Computer Based Test) method for May / November – 2022 Session as per Notification Examinations will be held at (09) District Head Quarters of Telangana state including Hyderabad clubbed with Ranga Reddy & within HMDA limits. Candidates may Apply online via TSPSC OTR. Candidates are Advised to Carefully Read the Notification, which will be Available on the Commission’s official website www.tspsc.gov.in, for details and other important information. The candidates are requested to opt District preferences to appear for the exam in addition to their working district at the time of submission of Application. Candidates will be assigned to Districts based on their preferences or to HMDA centers based on Availability.
Name of the examination | TS Departmental Test 2022 |
Conducting Agency | TSPSC Department |
Title | TSPSC Departmental Tests 2022 notification |
Subjected | TSPSC has launched TS Departmental Tests 2022 notification for the November session |
Name Of The Department | Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) |
Application Starting Date | 11-10-2022 |
Application Closing Date | 30-10-2022 |
Category | Departmental Exam |
Examination Dates | Form 22 November 2022 to 01 December 2022 |
Official Website | https://tspscdeptltest.telangana.gov.in/ |
It is to tell that the Departmental Tests will be carried out in OFFLINE OMR based mostly technique for November 2022 Session vide Notification No. 07/2022. Examinations will be held at (09) District Head Quarters of Telangana State together with Hyderabad clubbed with Ranga Reddy in HMDA limits Examination schedule is given below
At the time of their Application, Candidates are Asked to Select District preferences for Examination Centers in Addition to their working District. Candidates are Advised to carefully read the Notification, which is available on the Commission’s official website www.tspsc.gov.in, for details and other important information.
- Date of issue of Notification : 24/08/2022
- Date of commencement of submission of applications through online : 29/08/2022
- Last date for submission of applications through online including payment of fee : 27/09/2022
- Schedule of examinations : 11/11/2022 to 20/11/2022.
Examination dates:
TSPSC Departmental Tests exams November 2022 Schedule 2022
- Paper Code 141. The Accounts Test for Executive Officers (WITH BOOKS): 12/11/2022 SATURDAY – FORENOON 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON
- Paper Code 88 : Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, First Paper (WITH BOOKS) : 11/11/2022 FRIDAY – FORENOON – 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON
- Paper Code 97 : Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS) : 11/11/2022 FRIDAY – AFTERNOON 2.30 PM TO 4.30 PM
- Paper Code 37. Special Language Test for Officers of the Education Department, Higher Standard (WITHOUT BOOKS) 3hours (10.00 AM to 1.00PM) : 16/11/2022 WEDNESDAY – AFTERNOON (WITHOUT BOOKS) 3hours ( (2.30PM to 5.30 PM).
1. Tests prescribed for the Employees of Respective Departments are :b) However, Secretariat employees are permitted to appear for any Departmental Test in order to gain eligibility for appointment by transfer or promotion to other services where the Rules and Permit allow.
1. Commercial Taxes Division: P.C. No. 6 & 7. (Conventional – Type)
2. Treasuries and Accounts Departments: P.C.Nos. 31,46,64,79,89,100,114 & 129 (Typist-cum-Assistants working in Financial and Planning (Finance Wing) are also eligible to take the tests.
3. Department of Siri Culture: P.C.Nos. 32,47,65,80,90,101,115, 130, &143
4. Mines and Geology Department: only P.C.Nos. 150
5. Divisional Test: PC Nos. 30, 63, 81, 113, and 138
6. Works Accounts Service: P.C.Nos. 44, 78, 99, and 128.
7. Workshop Officers: P.C.Nos.14 & 29
8.P.C.Nos. 149 and 150 of the T.S. Public Service Commission
9. Open to everyone, regardless of whether the applicant is in P.C.Nos. 5, 8, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36, Government Service or not. 43, 45, 49, 62, 67, 77, 98,108,127,136,137,141,142, 144 to 148 & 155 N.B.: Before deciding whether or not to apply for the tests, candidates should review the Respective Service Rules. Any applicant, whether working in the respective Department or not, may apply for any of the tests listed in Annexure III.
According to (a) GO Ms No. 10, SE Dept, Dated 23.01.2009, (b) GO Ms No. 20, SE Dept, Dated 27.01.2009, and (c) GO Ms No. 23, Dated:28.01.2009, must have passed the following four departmental tests for 12 years scale sanction in School Assistant and LFL HM categories and for 24 years scale sanction in SGT / LP / PET equivalent categories.
- Departmental Exams for Gazetted Officers of the Edn Dept (GOT)
- Accountability Test for Executive Officers (EOT)
- Telugu Higher Standard Special Language Test for Education Department Officers (Those who have studied Telugu as a subject at Intermediate or its equivalent or Higher Degree level are exempt from taking this test.) An exception exists.)
- Special Language Test in Hindi / Urdu for Education Department Officers of Lower Standard (Those who studied HINDI / URDU as a subject in the SSC exam or equivalent or later levels are exempt from taking this test.) One exception exists. In the tenth grade, all students are required to study Hindi or Urdu as a second language. As a result, exemption from this test is applicable to almost everyone.)
i) All the Tests except the Language and Survey Tests will be in Objective Mode.
ii) These Objective papers shall be conducted in CBT (COMPUTER BASED TEST) method of examination on On-Line mode and the candidates have to attempt the exam accordingly on computer systems provided by the Commission in the examination centers allotted to them on the scheduled dates detailed in Time table in Annexure I
iii) Language papers P.C.Nos. 5,6,7, 19,28, 36,49,67, 37, 58,74 and Survey & Settlement papers P.C.Nos. 69,87,110,112,117,119,121,122,134 & 135 will be conducted in Conventional/Descriptive Mode.
iv) All objective type tests will last two (2) hours, and descriptive type tests will last three (3) hours, with the exception of the Second Class Language test, which will last two (2) hours.
v) Candidates taking conventional papers (descriptive exams) will be given answer books attached to an O.M.R sheet, and they must answer in the answer book using only a blue or black pen.
vi) Departmental test questions will be in English only. However, question papers are provided for I the “Survey and Settlement Surveyor’s Test” (Higher Grade / Lower Grade) and(ii) “Translation Tests,” in which question papers will be written in a language other than English.
vii) The following government departments (08) have approved the modified curriculum and issued G.O.s. As a result, TSPSC conducts Departmental examinations for the following Paper Codes using a modified Syllabus: (A detailed Scheme and Syllabus are attached as Annexure – II.) The remaining paper codes will be completed using the existing syllabus.
1. Sericulture Commissioner (PC.No.s.32,65,90,115,47,80,101,130,143)
2. Fisheries Department Commissioner (PC Nos. 15, 24, 56, 85)
3. The Commissioner of Labor (PC Nos. 22,40,57).
4. The Director of the Department of Boilers (PC No. 75.)
5. Electrical Inspector (PC Nos. 152,153)
6. Director General and Inspector General of Prisons and Correctional Services (PC Nos. 33,48,66,82)
7. Animal Husbandry Department Director (PC No. 51)
8. TS Transco’s Managing Director (P.C.Nos 41,59 & 140)
Mode of Examination |
Duration of the Examination |
1st Session |
2nd Session |
Objective Type (CBT Method) |
2 Hours (120 Minutes) |
10.00 am to 12.00 Noon |
2.30 pm to 4.30 pm |
Conventional Type |
3 Hours (180 Minutes) |
10.00 am to 1.00 pm |
2.30 pm to 5.30 pm |
The Departmental Tests examinations will probably be held at (9) District Head Quarters and in addition at state frequent capital Hyderabad as talked about below. The candidates are admitted to the District Centers the place the candidate is presently working as talked about within the application.
Code. No. | Name of the District | Code. No. | Name of the District |
24 | Adilabad | 29 | Medak |
25 | Karimnagar | 30 | Nalgonda |
26 | Khammam | 31 | Nizamabad |
27 | Warangal | 32 | Rangareddy |
28 | Mahaboobnagar | 32 | Hyderabad |
How to Apply for TSPSC Departmental Test 2022
Step1: The candidate must log in to the WEBSITE (www.tspsc.gov.in) and enter the required information such as name, father’s name, date of birth, and documents to be used.
Step2: Upon entering the above information, the Applicant will receive a Challan Form to pay the Fee at State Bank of India (or) TS Online centers.
Step3 : The Applicant ought to pay the prescribed Fee in any one of many State Bank of India (or) TS Online centers and obtain Fee paid Challan with Journal Number within the first occasion.
Step4 : On the following working day after fee of Fee the Applicant ought to once more go to WEBSITE and enter the Journal Number particulars to get the format of Application. The applicant must fill out all of the columns on the Application and may submit it ON-LINE.
Step5 : Those candidates who want help of Scribe are requested to use for a similar on to the Commission on or earlier than 10-03-2019. They must include a copy of the medical certificate and an illustration, as well as the Application ID Number.
Step 6 : The length of all exams shall be two (2) hours (besides a few exams) (besides a few exams)
Step 7: Candidates who’re writing the examination in goal Type are suggested handy over them.
APPLY ONLINE for TSPSC Departmental Tests November 2022 Session