TS RC 06 Telangana Pratibha Schorships Payment details during the year 2013-14

TS Pratibha Scholarships , Telangana State award of Pratibha Scholarships to the Students , TS Pratibha Award Scheme 2013-14 

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TS Rc. No. 06/PS.3-2/(VE-4)/2013 Dt.15-10-2015 Pratibha Scholarships Award Scheme for students

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Telangana State School Educ ation Pratibha Scholarships in Telangana State award of Pratibha Sc holarships to the students  status position and payment made to them and details during 2013- 14  information called .
School education office Pr. Rc. No. 06/PS.3-2/(VE-4)/2013 Dt.16-06-2015, 28-09-2015
The attention of all the District  Educational Officers in the State are invited to the references read above, and they are requested to furnish the information regarding the Prathibha Awards scheme during the year 2013-14 and status of the scheme and payments in their respective distric ts with details thereon. But noreply is received till to date even after reminding them in the reference read above.In view of the above, they are onc e again requested to submit the above information at the time of Assistant Directors O/ o DEOs meeting to be held on 26-10-2015 in this office  without fail for taking further ac tion in the matter at an early date.

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