TS G.O.RT.No. 1765. Dated:25-6-2015. Committee of Officers for framing Unified Service / Rules

Telangana Service Rules – Committee of Officers to consider and recommend for framing Unified  Service / Rules for the services identical in various departments and other Service Rules – Constituted – Orders – Issued.G.O.RT.No. 1765. Dated:25-6-2015.

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 The Government hereby constitute a Committee with the following Officers

  1. 1. Sri Rajeshwar Tiwari, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., EFS&T Department: Chairman
  2. 2. Sri B.Venkateswara Rao, IAS, Secretary to Government (Services), GAD : Member
  3. 3. Sri N.Siva Sankar, IAS, Secretary to Government, Finance Department.: Member
  4. 4. Joint / Deputy Secretary to Govt.(Services), GAD. : Convener

2. The Committee shall consider the issue of framing Unified Service / Rules and other Service Rules as detailed below and submit its report to Government within a month:-

  1. (i) clubbing the services identical in various departments and framing Unified Service Rules for the same. For example, Surveyors in Survey and Settlement Department, Municipal Department etc.;
  2. (ii) prescribing a test in “Proficiency in Office Automation with usage of Computer and associated Software” for the posts equivalent to Assistant Section Officers,Typist-cum-Assistant, Junior Assistants, Assistant-cum-Typist, Senior Stenographers, Junior Stenographers, UD Typists, Typists, LD Typists, in various departments, which were not covered under Secretariat Subordinate and Ministerial Services viz., Junior Accountant, Senior Accountant, Junior Auditor, Senior Auditor etc.;
  3. (iii) creation of Information Technology Service for various departments in the State.

3. The Committee may invite / co-opt any other officers as it deems fit.
4. The Departments of Secretariat shall furnish necessary in formation to the Committee as and when it desires the same.

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