TS GO 2762 Maharshi Valmiki Jayanthi Declaration of Telangana State function on 27-10-2015

Maharshi Valmiki Jayanthi State function , Telangana State function Valmiki Jayanthi , Declaration of Valmiki Jayanthi on 27-10-2015 , Function Expenditure Provision from BC welfare department , Telangana State functions 

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Telangana State Celebrations of Maharshi Valmiki Jayanthi on 27.10.2015 Declaration as State Function Orders

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Telangana State General Administration  (POLL.B) Department G.O.RT.No. 2762 Dated: 14/10/2015

Telangana State Government hereby declare that the Jayanthi of Maharshi Valmiki falling on 27.10.2015 be celebrated as  State Function inform to all District Collectors are requested to Celebrate Jayanthi of MAHARSHI VALMIKI on 27.10.2015 as a State Function.
From the Chairman, COI for Scheduled Tribes D.O.Lr.No.59/2015, Dated: 15.07.2015
The function  expenditure shall be incurred by B.C.welfare Department from their budget provision and The B.C. Welfare Department shall take necessary action accordingly.

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