TS GO 215 TS KGBVs administrative control under SSA of Different Educational Societies in Telangana

TS KGBVs under control SSA , GO 215 Dt.05-11-2015 ,Telangana Different Educational Societies Under control Sarva Sikshya Abhiyan , Re-allocation of KGBVs under SSA , TS SSA Maintenance KGBVs , TREIS , TTWREIS , TSWREIS , All Educational Societies under TS SSA , KGBV Schools Project Officer Post Cancel

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GO 215 SSA Control all Telangana Educational Institutions KGBVs Schools

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Telangana School Education  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,Telangana, Hyderabad  Re-allocation of KGBVs under the administrative control of different Societies to Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan – Orders.

TS School Education (Prog.I) Department G.O.RT.No. 215 Dated: 05-11-2015 

1.In the reference 5th read below , the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,Telangana, Hyderabad has reported that at present (391) KGBVs are running in Telangana State. Out of them, (95) KGBVs are under the administrative control of Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Society(TREIS); (59) KGBVs under Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS); (39) KGBVs under Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) and (198) KGBVs under SSA. Recently, in the meeting of the 2nd Executive Committee (EC) of the Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, held under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary on 01.10.2015, it was decided to bring back all 391 KGBVs under the administrative control of one society i.e. Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for more effective maintenance and uniformity among all the KGBVs in the State and the Executive Committee (EC) also resolved accordingly. It was also decided in the Executive Committee (EC) that in the Tribal Sub- Plan areas, the Special and Project Officers of SSA shall work in close coordination with the Project Officers of the ITDAs concerned in the State.

  1. 1)G.O.Ms.No.93,SE(CSS-RE) Department, dt.05.07.2005. 
  2. 2)G.O.Ms.No.59,SE(SSA)Department, dt.22.08.2007. 
  3. 3) G.O.Ms.No.110,SE(SSA)Department, dt.28.11.2007. 
  4. 4)Memo.No.22043/Budget-SSA/2008, dt.22.12.2008. 
  5. 5)From the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Telangana, Hyderabad,  Lr.Rc.No.107/T9/KGBV/2014, dt.09.10.2015. 

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2) In the references 1st to 4th cited, the KGBVs mentioned in the para (1) above were brought under the administrative control of the A.P. Residential Educational Institutions Society( now TREIS), A.P. Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (now TSWREIS) and A.P. Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (now TTWREIS).
3) After careful consideration of the proposal and in supersession of the references 1st to 4th cited, Government hereby bring all the (391) KGBVs, which are under the administrative control of different Societies i.e., Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Society(TSREIS), Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society  (TSWREIS), Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society  (TTWREIS),under the administrative control of Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan only, for more effective maintenance and uniformity among all the KGBVs in the State.

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