TS GO 111 Enhancement of Extraordinary leave for treatment for Some Diseases of Govt. Employees

Telangana / TS GO 111 Dt. 17-08-2015 Enhancement of Govt. Employees Extraordinary leave for treatment for Tuberculosis / Leprosy/ Cancer/ Mental illness / Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure

Telangana G.O.Ms.No 111 Date: 17.08.2015 GLEAVE RULES: – Recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission 2015 – (A.P.Leave Rules, 1933 and Hyderabad Civil Services Rules) – Amendment Enhancement of limits of ex-gratia allowance to Government employees on extraordinary leave for treatment for Tuberculosis / Leprosy/ Cancer/ Mental illness / Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure – Orders – Issued.http://goir.telangana.gov.in

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  1. G.O.Ms.No.222, Finance & Planning (FW.FR.I) Dept, dt: 04.06.1976.
  2. G.O.Ms.No.33, Finance & Planning (FW.FR.I) Dept, dt: 12.02.1982.
  3. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance & Planning (FW.FR.I) Dept, dt:27.05.1994.
  4. G.O.Ms.No.155 Finance (FR.I) Department dated 4.5.2010
  5. G.O.Ms.No.95 GA (Spl.A) Dept., dated 28.2.2013

1.Orders were issued in the reference 4th read above, enhancing the limits fixed in the reference 1st read above in respect of ex-gratia allowance to Government employees on extraordinary leave for treatment for Tuberculosis / Leprosy/ Cancer/ Mental illness / Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure, by issuing necessary amendment to the For Note (4) under Rule 28 and For Note (4) under Rule 29 of AP. Leave Rules 1933.

2. In the Government Order 5th read above, orders were issued constituting Tenth Pay Revision Commission and Government appointed Sri. Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, IAS., (Retd.) as Pay Revision Commissioner duly laying down the terms of reference of the Commission.

3. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Government on 29.5.2014 recommending inter alia, for “the issue of orders by Government for the payment of Ex-gratia allowance to the Non Gazetted Officers and Last Grade Servants as and when the scales of employees are revised, raising the monetary limits corresponding to the revised scales”

After careful consideration of the report, Government decided to accept the recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission for enhancement of the ex-gratia amount.

5.Government accordingly here by enhance the existing limits of ex-gratia as follows:

PRC 2015
(1) For Non-Gazetted Officers drawing pay upto Rs.26, 600/- per month in the corresponding pay scales of 2015.

(2) For the Last Grade employees

Half pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 9460/-per month and maximum Rs.13000/- per month

Half pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 6500/- per month and maximum of Rs. 10500/- per month

6. The following Notifications will be published in the Telangana Gazette:-


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 read with Article 313 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Telangana hereby makes the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh  Leave Rules, 1933 contained in Annexure-III of the Fundamental Rules:-

AMENDMENT. In the said rules: –

 In rule 28, for Note (4) thereunder the following Note shall be added, namely:-

“Note 4:- (A) “Note:- (i) A Non Gazetted Government Servant on a pay not exceeding Rs.  26600 per month in the Revised Pay Scale 2015 while on Extraordinary Leave for treatment of Tuberculosis /Leprosy /Cancer / Mental illness/Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 9460/-per month and maximum of Rs.  13000/- per month.

b)  In rule 29, for the Note thereunder the following Note shall be added, namely:-
“Note :- (B) A Government Servant in the Last Grade Service  drawing  pay in the Revised Pay Scales 2015, while on the Extraordinary Leave for treatment of Tuberculosis/Leprosy/Cancer/Mental illness/Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to Half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 6500/- per month and a maximum of Rs. 10500/- per month.


7. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Telangana hereby makes the following amendment to the Hyderabad Civil Service Rules:-


In the said rules, in rule 444, in sub-rule (2), in clause (iii) (C), for Note (3) thereunder the following Note shall be added, namely.

“Note (3): (A) A Non Gazetted Government Servant on a pay not exceeding Rs.26600/- per month in the Revised Pay Scale 2015 while on Extraordinary Leave for treatment of Tuberculosis/Leprosy/Cancer/Mental illness/Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs.9460/-per month and maximum of Rs.  13000/- per month.

B) A Government Servant in the Last Grade Service drawing pay in the Revised Pay Scales 2015, while on the Extraordinary Leave for treatment of Tuberculosis/ Leprosy/ Cancer/Mental illness/Heart diseases and Renal (Kidney) Failure is entitled to an ex-gratia allowance equal to Half of his pay subject to a minimum of Rs.6500/- per month and a maximum of Rs. 10500/- p.m.
8. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
9. The G.O.is available on Internet and can be accessed at the address http://goir.telangana.gov.in and http://finance.telangana.gov.in.
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