TS FA SA Marks Upload (Data entry) link @ schooledu.telangana.gov.in. Telangana Schools FA/ SA Marks Online Upload Process at CDSE official website. Data entry (uploading) of student performances (marks) of FA1 FA2 SA1 FA3 FA4 SA2 in CDSE Schooledu Telangana website. TS FA SA Marks Upload online details. Formative Assessment marks entry in CDSE Schooledu website, Summative Assessment marks entry in CDSE Schooledu website, uploading of FA SA marks/performances in TS DSE website schooledu.telangana.gov.in, students marks entry online in Schooledu website, Data Entry of students marks in Schooledu Telangana website.
Telangana FA SA Marks Upload Process @ schooledu.telangana.gov.in
All the Head masters are informed that TS Online has developed software for uploading the information of childwise, classwise, subjectwise performances or marks using the childinfo data. This year also Samagra Shiksha, Telangana has decided to collect the information, TS FA SA Marks Upload and Marks upload into the same application.

- Data entry(uploading) of student performances(marks) of FA1 FA2 SA1 FA3 FA4 SA2 in CDSE Schooledu telangana website
- Accordingly, the website has opened the childwise schoolwise format for the year 2019-20 for uploading children attendance and performance at school and mandal level. In this reagard, instructions are to be followed at mandal and school level.
- MRCs to Download and print the schoolwise classwise and childwise proforma FA-1 FA-II and send to schools through CRP to record the children performance.
- After recording the marks, the data entry has to be done childinfo website at mandal level. All High Schools should upload the children performance at school level only.
Student attendance column has been included this year also. The type of examination, date, calendar for school working and number of working days in schools is as follows.
CRPs have to collect the data from schools and to upload at mandal level.
The above work of children performance of FA1 FA2 should be completed.
Proceedings of FA SA performance Online entry Details Download
Open Official website to enter data