TS Contract Lecturers Salaries Enhanced to 27000 GO 409

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Telangana Contract Lecturers Salaries Enhanced from Rs.18,000 to Rs.27,000 as per GO 409. TS Govt. has increased the salaries of contract Basis lecturers, TS Contract Lecturers Salaries enhanced GO, Total salary of each contract College lecturers will go up to Rs 27,000 from Rs 18000 a month. New Salaries effect from December 2016, Increased remuneration on to be paid on 01-01-2017. Enhancement of remuneration of the existing Contract Faculty, by adding 50% to the exiting remuneration i.e., enhancement from Rs.18,000/- per month to Rs.27,000/- per month.

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GO MS No 409 TS Contract Lecturers Salaries Enhanced

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TS Contract Lecturers Salaries
TS Contract Lecturers Salaries Enhanced

Telangana contract employees salaries raised. Remuneration of the Contract Faculty working in the Government Junior Colleges in the State salaries enhanced from Rs.18,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand only) per month to Rs.27,000/- (Twenty Seven Thousand only) per month and accordingly the payment of remuneration for the month of December, 2016 (to be paid on 01.01.2017) shall be made. Government of Telangana ,Higher Education (Lei Al) Department G.O.Rt.No.409 Dated: 24.12.2016 Intermediate Education – Contract Faculty working in Government Junior Colleges in the State – Enhancement of Remuneration – Orders – Issue. 


1. G.O.Rt.No.143, Higher Education (IE.2) Department, dt:09.10.2000.
2. G.O.Rt.No.187, HE(IEI) Dept., dt:25.03.2011.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 14, Finance [HRM-I] Department, dated 19.02.2016.
4. G.O.Rt.No.185, Higher Education [1E] Department, dated 28.06.2016.
5. From the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Telangana, Lr. Ftc.No.Ser.11-2/702/2015, dt: 15.11.2016


1. Government in the reference first read above, introduced the scheme of engaging Contract Faculty in Government Junior Colleges in the State. The Contract Faculty were engaged initially on payment of honorarium ® Rs.4000/- per month for urban area and @Rs.5000/- per month in tribal and rural areas. The Government in the reference second mid above, enhanced and fixed the remuneration of the Contract Faculty (Urban & Rural) working in Government Junior Colleges in the State @Rs.18000/- per month.

2. Government vide reference third read above have issued orders for enhancement of remuneration for contract and outsourced personnel of certain services in Government Departments and mentioned that in respect of the categories of services other than those specified in the G.O., which are having a fixed consolidated remuneration, the remuneration shall be fixed not exceeding 50% enhancement of the existing remuneration or the minimum of the time scale attached to the similar category of comparable post in the Revised Pay Scales 2015, whichever is less.

3. Further, Government vide reference fourth read above, accorded permission for renewal of 3687 Contract faculty working in Government Junior Colleges in the State in General and Vocational stream, for the Academic Year, 2016-2017.

4. In the reference fifth read above, the Commissioner of Intermediate Education (CIE), Telangana, has requested the Government to adopt G.O. Ms. No. 14 , Finance [HRM-I] Department, dated 19.02.2016 for enhancement of remuneration of the existing Contract Faculty, by adding 50% to the exiting remuneration i.e., enhancement from Rs.18,000/- per month to Rs.27,000/- per month.

5. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby alliance the remuneration of the Contract Faculty working in the Government Junior Colleges in the State, in terms of G.O.Ms.No.14 issued by Finance (HRM.I) Department vide reference third read above, from Rs.18,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand only) per month to Rs.27,000/- (Twenty Seven Thousand only) per month and accordingly the payment of remuneration for the month of December, 2016 (to be paid on 01.01.2017) shall be made.

6. The Commissioner of Intermediate Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, shall take necessary action accordingly. 2- This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (EBS.1V) Department, vide their U.O.No.14721/303/EBS.IV/HE/ 2016, dated: 16.12.2016. 

TS GO, GO 409, TS Contract Lecturers Salaries Enhanced GO, Telangana Contract Lecturers remuneration Increased Order, TS Contract Faculty Salary raised go 409.

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