Telanganaku Haritha Haram Green Day Instructions for TS Schools On 15th July, 2017

Telanganaku Haritha Haram Green Day on July 15 in TS Schools under Telangana ku Haritha Haram(THH) Instructions for Implementation of Telangana ku Haritha Haram(THH) HARITHA PATASHALA- HARITHA TELANGANA Observing “Green Day” on July 15/ Green Day Activities Haritha Haram Largest Green Drive In India Green Telangana- Green Schools Program: Instructions for implementation of Telanganaku Haritha Haram in all Education Institutions and observe “Green Day” on 15.07.2017 and also prepare action plan for each and every Institution. THH Telanganaku Haritha Haram Observing Green Day On 15.07.217 Instructions by C & DSE Telangana Govt of Telangana has Decided to Observe Green Day on 15.07.2017 in all Educational institutions in Telangana in the Part of Telanganaku Haritha Haram THH which Programme has been initiated to increase tree coverage from 25.16% to 33% of the total Geographical Area.

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Green Day on July 15 in TS Schools under Telangana ku Haritha Haram(THH), Instructions 

Telanganaku Haritha Haram Green Day On 15.07.217 Instructions for TS Schools
Telanganaku Haritha Haram Green Day On 15.07.217 Instructions for TS Schools 

THH Telanganaku Haritha Haram Observing Green Day On 15.07.217 Instructions by C & DSE Telangana Govt of Telangana has Decided to Observe Green Day on 15.07.2017 in all Educational institutions in Telangana in the Part of Telanganaku Haritha Haram THH which Programme has been initiated to increase tree coverage from 25.16% to 33% of the total Geographical Area. HARITHA PATASHALA-HARITHA TELANGANA will be the Slogan on 15.07.2017 Green Day in All management Schools in Telangana thh-telanganaku-haritha-haram-observing-green-day-instructions.

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HARITHA PATASHALA – HARITHA TELANGANA will be the Slogan on 15.07.2017 Green Day in All management Schools in Telangana THH Telanganaku Haritha Haram Observing Green Gay instructions.

Instructions On Telanganaku Haritha Haram and Green Day on 15.07.2017

1. Observe “Green Day” in all the Educational Institutions under all Managements on 15.07.2017.
2. The slogan for the Plantation in Education Institution i.e., on 15.07.2017 shall be HARITHA PATASHALA- HARITHA TELANGANA.
3. On “GREEN-DAY” the following activities shall be taken up.

  1. a. 08.30 AM to 09.30 AM – Arrange rallies and processions in the habitation / village / Gram Panchayat / Ward to create awareness among the general public to grow more plants.
  2. b. 09.30 AM to 10.30 AM – to take up Plantation in the school premises by all the staff and students. After plantation take a pledge by all the staff and students.
  3. c. 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM – conduct competitions to the students at School Level on THH programme, ie., Essay writing, Elocution etc., The winners shall be given prizes on 15th August, 2017 and a certificate of Haritha Mitra.

4. Constitute a “Green Brigade” with students and teachers to protect the plants in every school.
5. To give priority for “Block Plantations” wherever feasible.
6. Take up multi-row plantations in 4 to 5 rows all along the compound wall, if the “Block Plantation” is not feasible.
7. As far as possible, only Tall plants (3 – 5 feet) are to be selected and they should be preferably drought resistant – flowering, fruit bearing and shaded plants.
8. Each Student and Teacher shall adopt a plant and shall be made responsible for the survival of the plant in the school premises.
9. Coordinate with Grama Panchayathi Rakshana Committee and School Management Committees and involve them in plantation in all schools.
10. Ensure participation of Elected Representatives in large number in plantation programme on Green Day (15.07.2017).
11. Action Plan for “Green Day” in Educational Institution:

The District Educational Officers shall coordinate with District Rural Development Officer and Forest Department at District Level and MEOs shall coordinate with MDOs at Mandal level

  1. (a) logistic support, such as tie-up with Nurseries / Transportation of saplings / Pitting/ supply of Manure etc.,
  2. (b) Technical support – generation of estimates, identification of wage seekers and payment of wages (Musters, M. Books) for maintaining of plants.
  3. (c) Necessary training to HMs / Teachers by MDOs concerned on technical issues.
  4. (d) To procure Tree Guards for protection of the plants in the Educational Institutions without compound walls.

12. In respect of Educational Institutions in Urban areas, the District Educational Officers shall coordinate· with the Municipal authorities concerned for logistical & technical support for plantation in Educational Institutions.
13. All the students should be motivated to take plantation in their house premises and localities.

In the context of above, all the District Educational Officers in the State shall issue necessary instructions to all the Head Masters / Principals of all Educational Institutions in the State under all Managements to make arrangements well in advance and organize “GREEN DAY” in all Educational Institutions on 15.07.2017.

They are also requested to obtain school wise report through the MEOs and submit a detailed report on “Green Day” by 20.07.2017 without fail.

Green Day on July 15 in TS Schools under Telangana ku Haritha Haram (THH), Instructions

Download Complete Instructions on Telanganaku Haritha Haram Green Day 

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