telangana teachers Transfer's how get avail spouse and special cases points

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Telangana  teachers Transfer’s and Rasanalization Revised Schedule  how get avail spouse and special cases points 

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  1. 1. Both Spouses can avail spouse points once in 5/8 years as there is no phrase (one of the spouses) in this year’s Transfers GO.   
  2. 2. If both spouses completed 5/8 years ,first one can avail spouse points and can go anywhere but second one must go nearer to spouse only.                                
  3.  3. Spouse points or any other entitlement points cannot be dropped while counselling is going on. Bcoz this time counselling process in ONLINE System only and hence points may be freezed before counselling.     4. Spouse should move towards and nearer to spouse only, if they avail spouse points.      5. If anyone completes 5/8 years service they should not opt same grama panchayath.  Below 5/ 8 years teachers can opt same grama panchayath. In Muncipality/ Corporation anyone can opt same Muncipality/Corporation though they completed 5/8 years.                              
  4. 6. 2013 transferred teachers vll be relieved tommoro/day after tommoro. If their post (transferred post) doesnot exist , they have to apply for transfer with old station entitlement points and additional  5 points for rationalisation. If their old school is under closure due to lack of even one teacher they have to go back and work there till substitute comes.
  5.  7. In case of points tie, as per GO cadre seniority vll be taken into consideration. But it came to know that it depends on the softwear, but may not as per seniority.           8. Persons applying under diseases priority must get certificate from District/ State Medical Board.              
  6. 9. Some schools strength increased inthis year. But that cannot be taken into consideration. Only U-DISE 2014-2015 vll be taken.                          
  7. 10. In case of PS teacher working against Maths need, Junior most PS teacher is identified as surplus.                     
  8. 11. Category change points calculation can be done manually.                       
  9. 12. Transfers & Promotions Subject- wise schedule not discussed in the meeting.

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