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AP Rc 25 Dated 14-10-2015 Clarification of Annual Assessment Survey / AAS Points AP Teachers Transfers 2015.
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AP Rc 25 Dated 14-10-2015 Rationalization Transfers Headmasters an Teachers Transfers 2015 School Education Rationalization Transfers Headmasters an Teachers Transfers Counseling 2015
AP School Education Instructions to District Educational Officers in the State ar read above permitting that informed that the Government have issued order rs in the reference 1 teachers transfer counseling through online web counseling method. Government have also ordered fo awarding entitlement points to the Headmasters and teachers for transfers. Though he Government orders are very clear the District Educational Officers are from time to time have requested fo clarifications and necessary clarification within the ambit of law is issuec in the references 2 to 8 cited. In spite of clear clarifications instructions issued certain District Educational officers have no followed the rules instructions issued thereby causing inconvenience to the administration. Senior officers of the department have been appointed as State Level Observers to look into the grievances objections received during the course of transfer counseling, 2015 , Clarifications are once again being received to clarify with regard to awarding of performance points on the Annual Assessment Survey(AAS) 2015, It is informed that the Annual Assessment Surve(AAS) for the year 2015 is conducted for class III,V and VIll. There is no multi grade teaching in Primar Schools and hence the available SGTs are teaching class I to v in Primary Schools, and for VIII class th Annual Assessment Survey is conducted in three subjects ie. English, Telugu and Mathematics .the entitlement points for Annual Assessment Survey(AAS) 2015 shall be given to th SGTs working in the Primary Schools and for VIII class to the subject teachers who taught the above three subjects and the Headmasters. All the State Level Observers, Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the Distric Educational Officers are requested to take action accordingly
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