AP PAT Notification 2016 Results of Professional Advancement Test

#AP PAT Notification 2016 PAT Results (Professional Advancement Test) 2015 teachers in AP

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AP PAT Exam eligible for Grade-II Pandits, P.E.T’s  Craft, Tailoring, Sewing, Drawing, Music, Agriculture & Radio Technology

  1.  (1) Professional Advancement Test for the eligible in-service teachers in the cadre of SGBT, Junior inspector of schools 
  2. (2) Automatic Advancement Scheme Examination for Grade-II Pandits, P.E.T’s and for Special teachers in Craft, Tailoring, Sewing, Drawing, Music, Agriculture & Radio Technology
  3. (3) Simple Orientation Test for Grade-I Pandits will be conducted in the month of September, 2015.

The date of conduct of Examination is 27-09-2015.

PAT Exam fee Particulars and Head of Accounts

The teachers who intend to appear for the above tests should pay the Examination fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) through Challan to the following

  1. 0202      – Education,  Sports Arts and Culture
  2. 01          – General Education
  3. 102        – Secondary Education
  4. 06          – Director of Government Examination
  5. 800        – User Charges
  6. D.D.O CODE: 27000303001  

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  1. Examination fee should be paid through Challan only. 
  2. Demand drafts are not accepted. 
  3. DDO Code should be furnished specifically in the challan form if required

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