Conducting Effective Parent-Teacher Meetings After Formative and Summative Assessments Dates: Enhancing Student Progress and Involvement 2023-2024

Conducting Effective Parent-Teacher Meetings After Formative and Summative Assessments Dates: Enhancing Student Progress and Involvement 2023-2024

Schedule Released for Conduct Parents Teachers Meeting after Formatives/ Summative Assessment Dates (FA 1,2,3 and 4 & SA 1, 2)

Conducting Effective Parent-Teacher Meetings After Formative and Summative Assessments Dates for AP Schools in 10th August 2023: Enhancing Student Progress and Involvement 2023-2024. In the realm of education, effective communication and collaboration between teachers and parents play a pivotal role in shaping a student’s academic journey. The importance of parent-teacher meetings (PT meetings) cannot be understated as they provide a platform for educators and parents to discuss a student’s progress, address concerns, and devise strategies for academic improvement. The School Education Department of Andhra Pradesh has recently announced a progressive initiative to conduct Parent-Teacher Meetings after every formative and summative assessment. This move aims to foster a deeper connection between schools and parents, enhancing student learning outcomes and overall educational experience.

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The Significance of Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parent-teacher meetings hold the key to understanding a student’s holistic development. These meetings offer an opportunity for teachers to share insights into a student’s academic strengths and weaknesses, behavior in the classroom, and engagement levels. On the other hand, parents can voice their concerns, seek clarifications, and collaborate with teachers to devise personalized strategies that can aid their child’s progress. These meetings bridge the gap between home and school, creating a unified support system for the student.

FA / SA Exam and Parent-Teacher Meetings Conduct Dates

Assessment (FA/ SA) FA / SA Conduct Dates Parent Teacher
meeting Dates
Formative Assessment1/ CBA 1 1 to 4 -08-2023 10.08.2023
Formative Assessment 2 3 to 6 -10-2023 13.10.2023
Summative Assessment 1 4 to 10 -11-2023 17.11.2023
Formative Assessment 3/ CBA 2 3 to 6 -01-2024 08.01.2024
Formative Assessment 4 23 to 27 -02-2024 06.03.2023
Pre-final for class 10 23 to 29- 02-2024 06.03.2023
Summative Assessment 2/CBA3 11 to 20 – 03-2024 23.04.2023

Workshop Overview: Elevating Educational Quality

The recent workshop held in Vijayawada on August 3, 2023, marked a significant milestone in the realm of school education. With the theme “Promoting Ease of Living through Good Governance and Use of Technology in Schooling,” the workshop aimed to explore strategies that align with the educational objectives set forth by the 3rd Chief Secretaries Conference. This theme emphasized elevating learning outcomes while effectively merging internal and external assessments.

Stakeholders and Dignitaries

Esteemed stakeholders and dignitaries graced the workshop with their presence. Among them were Joint Directors and above cadre officers in the Department of School Education, District Educational Officers, Samagra Shiksha Additional Project Coordinators, SCERT and SIEMAT faculty, subject experts, National Best Teacher awardees, selected Mandal Educational Officers, and School Education Headmasters/Principals. Notable dignitaries included the Honorable Education Minister Sri B. Satyanarayana Garu and various high-ranking officials.

Key Workshop Insights

The workshop delved into various discussions geared toward enhancing educational practices. These discussions encompassed several vital points, such as:

  • Customized suggestions to promote “Ease of Living & Their Status” for the Third National Chief Secretary Conference.
  • Reforms in assessments, including state assessments, NAS & ASER Reports, and CBSE assessments, to bridge learning outcome gaps effectively.
  • Strategies for effective English medium instruction, TOEFL preparation, and measures to enhance spoken English proficiency.
  • Suggestions for SSC exam reforms.
  • Insights into initiatives like “Gorumudda” and “TMF.”
  • A strong recommendation is to enhance parental awareness and regular parent-teacher meetings to facilitate student learning improvement.

 Implementation Strategy: Fostering Parental Involvement

With a wealth of insights garnered from the workshop, the decision to conduct parent-teacher meetings after every assessment within a week of completion emerged as a transformative initiative. This strategy intends to provide parents with their child’s progress card before the meeting, enabling meaningful discussions about their learning outcomes. This proactive approach encourages parents to actively participate in their child’s academic journey, cultivating an environment conducive to effective learning.

Action Plan: Dates and Discussions

The proposed action plan calls for four formative assessments and two summative assessments per academic year, with parent-teacher meetings scheduled immediately after each assessment. The dates for these meetings will be communicated along with the official orders. During these meetings, subject teachers and headmasters will engage parents in meaningful conversations about their child’s academic progress. Comprehensive remediation plans tailored to individual students will also be outlined, promoting positive counseling sessions for both parents and students.

Teachers are encouraged to communicate effectively the misconceptions that students might have developed in their understanding of various concepts. Furthermore, teachers will collaboratively develop and present remedial teaching plans aimed at rectifying these misconceptions and improving the overall learning experience for the students.

Your dedication and commitment to the betterment of our education system are highly appreciated. Let us work collectively to implement these strategies and foster a positive learning experience for our students.


The decision to conduct parent-teacher meetings after every assessment is a proactive step towards enhancing educational quality and student involvement. By fostering open communication, collaboration, and personalized strategies, this initiative aims to create a nurturing environment for students to thrive academically and personally.

Download Parents Teacher Meeting Conduct Guidelines Click here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Parent-Teacher Meetings after Formative/Summative Assessments

1. What is the purpose of the Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)?

The PTM provides an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss academic progress, strengths, and areas of improvement for the students. It fosters open communication between the school and parents, ensuring the holistic development of the students.

2. When are the upcoming Formative and Summative Assessments scheduled?

  • – Formative Assessment 1 (CBA 1): August 1 – 4, 2023
  • – Formative Assessment 2: October 3 – 6, 2023
  • – Summative Assessment 1: November 4 – 10, 2023
  • – Formative Assessment 3 (CBA 2): January 3 – 6, 2024
  • – Formative Assessment 4: February 23 – 27, 2024
  • – Pre-Final for Class X: February 23 – 29, 2024
  • – Summative Assessment 2 (CBA 3): April 11 – 20, 2024

3. When are the Parent-Teacher Meetings scheduled for these assessments?

  • – Formative Assessment 1 (CBA 1): August 10, 2023
  • – Formative Assessment 2: October 13, 2023
  • – Summative Assessment 1: November 17, 2023
  • – Formative Assessment 3 (CBA 2): January 8, 2024
  • – Formative Assessment 4: March 6, 2024
  • – Pre-Final for Class X: March 6, 2024
  • – Summative Assessment 2 (CBA 3): April 23, 2024

4. Do parents need to attend the Parent -Teacher Meeting for every assessment?

It is highly recommended that parents attend PTMs for every assessment. This allows parents to stay updated on their child’s academic progress and address any concerns promptly.

5. What should parents bring to the Parent -Teacher Meeting?

Parents should bring their child’s school diary, any relevant academic materials, and a list of questions or concerns they would like to discuss with the teachers.

6. How can parents schedule a meeting time with their child’s teachers?

The school administration will provide a schedule for the PTM. Parents can select a suitable time slot and attend the meeting as per the given schedule.

Remember, effective communication between parents and teachers is essential for the student’s success. We encourage active participation in the PTMs to ensure the best educational experience for your child.

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