New Education Policy 2019 Draft High lights | 2019 Education Policy Draft Main Points

New Education Policy 2019 Draft High lights | 2019 Education Policy Draft Main Points

High lights of the New Education Policy-2019-Draft Dr.S.Venkataraman, Assistant Professor, Department of Education Annamalai University. AP Schools New Education Policy Draft main points download. Telangana Schools Policy Draft High lights prepared by Assistant Professor. Merging Anganwadis with pre-schools, creating school complexes. 4 Year Integrated BEd., common for all Teachers.

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New Education Policy 2019 Draft High lights | 2019 Education Policy Draft Main Points

New Education Policy 2019 Draft High lights | 2019 Education Policy Draft Main Points
New Education Policy 2019 Draft High lights | 2019 Education Policy Draft Main Points

For School Education Policy 2019

  1. Merging Higher secondary with secondary and introduction of 9-12 standards in semester pattern with 8 semesters- as secondary.  
  2. Schooling Starting from 3 years of age onwards.  
  3. Merging Anganwadis with pre-schools, creating school complexes  
  4. 4 Year Integrated BEd., common for all Teachers,  
  5. B.Ed., will conducted by Multi disciplinary colleges and Universities only. 
  6. All Stand alone colleges of B.Ed., will be immediately closed.  
  7. Two year B.Ed., will be modified to single year for under graduates and will be conducted by those institutions conducting four year B.Ed.,  
  8. Vocational Education will be included in school education commonly.  
  9. Three language system will be implemented from standard 6 onwards. (Hindi for Non Hindi speaking states and any one of the scheduled languages for Hindi speaking states)  
  10. Importance will be given to Home language and National language and less priority will be for English. 
  11. TET will have a live class teaching demo also. 

For Higher Education policy 2019 

  1. UGC will be replaced.. by NHERA National Higher Education Regulatory Authority
  2. In higher Education, the system will be modified as Type I, Type II, Type III.
  3. Type I- Research Universities will include all
  4. Type II- Teaching Universities
  5. Type-III- Teaching Colleges
  6. Affiliation- structure will be closed- all will be individual intuitions of any one type. All colleges will be transferred to Type III.
  7. All Type I, II, III institutions will have B.Ed., four year programmes to link Higher Education with school Education.
  8. HRDCs will be merged with Universities. New HRDCs will be developed in Universities of Multidisciplinary.
  9. Establishment of a National Research Foundation: A National Research Foundation (NRF) will be established to grant competitive funding for outstanding research proposals across all disciplines,
  10. Private institutions also will get funding for projects.
  11. There will be a common examination for MBBS at the final stage of exit also as NEET.
  12. NHERA shall be the sole regulator for higher education, including professional education
  13. All bodies like AICTE, NCTE.etc will be transformed to Professional Standard Setting Bodies PSSBs.
  14. MOOC will be given special preference.

For School Education Policy 2019

  • Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Education:
  • Concentrating on children from birth to 3 years and then from 3 years to 6 years
  • Co-locating Anganwadis- pre-schools with primary schools where ever possible.
  • Al aspects of early childhood education will come under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
  • Extension of the RTE Act to include early childhood education (3-6 years)
  • Expansion of midday meal programme to include breakfast
  • Instructional Aides will be selected , they should have B.Ed., and they will be utilised to ensue local education, credits willbe given for future employment.
  • Encouragement of large-scale community and volunteer involvement.
  • Ensuring proper teacher deployment and teacher conditions, and a Pupil Teacher Ratio under 30 : 1 at every school.
  • A new developmentally appropriate curriculum and pedagogical structure for school education: 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 design.
  • 5 years of the Foundational Stage: 3 years of pre-primary school and Grades 1, 2.• 3 years of the Preparatory (or Latter Primary) Stage: Grades 3, 4, 5.• 3 years of the Middle (or Upper Primary) Stage: Grades 6, 7, 8.• 4 years of the High (or Secondary) Stage: Grades 9, 10, 11, 12.
  • The Secondary Stage will comprise four years of multidisciplinary study, and will build on the subject-oriented pedagogical and curricular style of the Middle stage, but with greater depth, greater critical thinking, greater attention to life aspirations, and greater flexibility and student choice. Each year of the Secondary Stage will be divided into 2 semesters, for a total of 8 semesters. Each student would take 5 to 6 subjects each semester.
  • The notions of “higher secondary” or “junior college” will be eliminated; Grades 11 and 12 will be considered an integral part of the secondary stage.
  • Home language/mother tongue as medium of instruction: When possible, the medium of instruction – at least until Grade 5 but preferably till at least Grade 8 – will be the home language/mother tongue/local language. Thereafter, the home/local language shall continue to be taught as a language wherever possible.
  • Three languages from Standard 6 onwards.
  • Reducing the importance to English, concentrating on Indian Languages. For Hindi speaking states one among the scheduled languages will be the choice, for others Hindi. 
  • Home language/mother tongue as medium of instruction: When possible, the medium of instruction – at least until Grade 5 but preferably till at least Grade 8 – will be the home language/mother tongue/local language. Thereafter, the home/local language shall continue to be taught as a language wherever possible.
  • Three languages from Standard 6 onwards.
  • Reducing the importance to English, concentrating on Indian Languages. For Hindi speaking states one among the scheduled languages will be the choice, for others Hindi.

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