Kerala SET Admit Card (OUT) 2024 Exam Date, Hall Ticket Download

Kerala SET Admit Card

Kerala SET Admit Card /  Hall Ticket Download 2024

Kerala SET Admit Card 2024 Exam Date, Hall Ticket Download Links can be found on the board’s official website. The LBSTI is in charge of administering the SET, which is used to recruit high school science and non-vocational Teachers. Students are Chosen for these positions based on their performance in an entrance exam. Kerala SET will be held at the LBSTI soon. According to the official Announcement, the Eligibility Exam will be Held on January 22nd, 2024. Students who have Completed the Kerala SET online Application form will receive their Hall Ticket on January 15th, 2024. The LBSTI Administers this Eligibility Exam for upper secondary school teachers once a year. The exam determines who is qualified to teach in such establishments.

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Kerala SET Admit Card 2024

 LBS Centre for Science and Technology has Released the Kerala State Eligibility Test Admit Card 2024. All Candidates who plan to take the KSET Should go to the official website to  Download Their Admit Card. To Download the Kerala SET 2024 Admit Card, All Candidates Must Enter their Registration information. The KSET will take place on January 22, 2024.

Kerala State Eligibility Test 2024 

Examination name Kerala State Eligibility Test
Examination Authority Government of Kerala
Article Category Kerala State Eligibility Test Hall Ticket 2024
State Kerala
Admit card release mode Online
Admit card release date  2024
Examination mode Offline mode
Kerala SET official website

How to Download Kerala SET Admit Card 2024

Kerala SET (State Eligibility Test) admit card will be available for download on the official website of the LBS Centre for Science and Technology a few weeks before the exam date. Candidates who have successfully applied for the Kerala SET exam can follow the steps given below to download their admit card:

  1. Visit the official website of LBS Centre for Science and Technology.
  2. Click on the ‘Kerala SET’ link on the homepage.
  3. Click on the ‘Download Admit Card’ link.
  4. Enter your application number and password.
  5. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  6. Your Kerala SET admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Download and take a printout of the admit card.

Candidates must carry their Kerala SET admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the exam center on the day of the exam. The admit card contains important details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam center details, and exam timings. Candidates are advised to carefully check all the details mentioned on the admit card and in case of any discrepancy, they must immediately contact the authorities for rectification.

Kerala Set Exam instructions

Candidates Appearing For the Kerala SET (State Eligibility Test) Exam Must Follow the Instructions Given Below:

  1. Reporting Time: Candidates Must Reach the Exam Center At least 30 Minutes Before the Reporting Time Mentioned on the Admit card.
  2. Admit Card: Candidates must carry their Kerala SET admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the exam center.
  3. Stationery: Candidates must bring their own pens, pencils, erasers, and other stationery required for the exam.
  4. Electronic Devices: Candidates are not allowed to carry any electronic devices such as mobile phones, calculators, or any other gadgets to the exam center.
  5. COVID-19 Protocols: Candidates must follow all the COVID-19 protocols such as wearing a mask, carrying a sanitizer, and maintaining social distancing at the exam center.
  6. Exam Pattern: Candidates must carefully read the exam pattern and instructions mentioned on the question paper before attempting the exam.
  7. Rough Work: Candidates must do all the rough work in the space provided in the question paper booklet and not on any other paper.
  8. Answering Questions: Candidates must answer the questions in the OMR sheet provided and use only a black ballpoint pen to darken the circles.
  9. Leaving Early: Candidates are not allowed to leave the exam center before the completion of the exam time.
  10. Prohibited Actions: Candidates are prohibited from engaging in any kind of malpractice during the exam, and strict action will be taken against those found guilty.

Candidates are advised to carefully read all the instructions mentioned on the admit card and follow them strictly to avoid any inconvenience during the exam.

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