AP Teachers Inter District Mutual Transfers 2021 Schedule, Certain Instructions and Guidelines
Inter District Transfers 2021 For AP Teachers – Online Apply link, Schedule Guidelines released by CSE AP as per RC 13029 Date 25-06-2021. How to Enroll Your Data at Inter District Mutual Transfers Online Registration Form ldink here. Eligible and interested teachers may submit their applications for Inter District transfers on www.cseap.gov.in. AP Teachers Inter District Transfer of teaching staf of School Education Dept Certain Instructions and Guidelines as per Rc.No.13029.
Inter District Transfers 2021 For AP Teachers – Online Apply link, Schedule Guidelines
AP School Education Inter District Transfer of teaching staf of School Education Dept Certain Instructions and Guidelines Issued as per Rc.No.13029/ 71/ 2020-EST 3 Dt.24/06/2021. All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are informed that, in the reference read above, Government have requested to furnish the proposals for Inter – District Transfer of teachers/ Headmasters. The Inter District Transfer applications will be processed in accordance with the 5(2)(c) of Presidential order on spouse grounds and 5(2)(d) on Mutual grounds requests Inter District Transfers 2021 For AP Teachers. The following are the guidelines for inter-district transfers.

How to Online Apply Process
CSE AP has placed Online Application Form in cseap.gov.in Website. Teachers who wish to apply for Inter District Transfers should apply online at cse.ap.gov.in Website. Step by Step Process. Inter District Transfers Online Application Link.
Eligibility Guidelines For Inter District Transfers 2021
- i. Teachers / Headmasters working in State Government/ Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Parishad Schools are eligible to apply for Inter District Transfers under the same management.
- ii. Minimum service of the applicant teacher shall be 2 years as on 30.06.2021 in the present District and in the present category of post.
- iii.Teachers whose spouse is working in State Government / Central Government / State Public Sector / Central Public Sector / University / HODs/ Secretariats / Local Body are eligible to apply, if there is a clear vacancy of the said category of post (in the same management) is available in the requested district.
- iv.Teachers whose spouse is working in HODs/Secretariats can apply for Krishna and Guntur Districts only.
- v. Mutual transfers of the same category and of the same management would be permitted.
- vi. In case of Mutual transfers, both the teachers should give consent for such transfer and such consent shall be countersigned by the Mandal Educational Ofcer/Deputy Educational Ofcer concerned.
- vii.One teacher can give consent to only one teacher working in the other district on Mutual basis.
- viii.Teachers who are unauthorisedly absent, facing charges under CCA rules, under suspension are not eligible to apply.
- ix.The applications of in-eligible teachers and in-complete applications will not be considered.
- x. The teachers concerned shall be responsible for the correctness of the information furnished by them.
Process to be followed
- i. The teachers shall apply through online for Inter District Transfers in the IP address prescribed for the purpose i.e. cse.ap.gov.in
- ii. Only online application received through the specifed website authorized by Director of School Education will be considered at State level.
- iii. In addition, the candidates shall also download application form and flled in applications along with sign shall give to the concerned Mandal Educational Ofcers. (This is only for verifcation – Hard copies are not processed for transfer).
- iv. The M.E.O/HM/Dy.E.O concerned should verify all the details / particulars with original records and certifcates and after satisfying their correctness they shall submit to the District Educational Ofcer.
- v. Once the teacher enters application form online, that is fnal. No teacher shall apply twice in online.
- vi. A declaration shall be given by the applicant that he/she would forego his/her seniority in the old unit and agree to take last rank neit to the last regular candidate in the new unit (district).
- vii.The District Educational Ofcer concerned shall forward the applications of the teachers in the prescribed proforma issued in Government Circular Memo.No.7232/MC-I/GAD/2011, dated: 04.08.2011.
3. (a) The schedule for submission of on-line applications and further processing there-on at various levels shall be as indicated in Annexure-I.
(b) On-line applications shall be made in the formats prescribed in Annexure-II
(c) Such of the requests of teachers / Headmasters who hasve already submitted their requests for inter-district transfers, whose requests are pending at various levels shall be deemed to have been closed at all levels and they shall apply afresh in the on-line format as per the guidelines now issued under this G.O.
AP Teachers Inter District Mutual Transfers Enroll link
4) No application for inter-district transfer other than in accordance with the orders issued will be considered.
మార్గదర్శకాలు తెలుగు లో :
- ఒక జిల్లాలో ఒక కేడర్ లో(స్కూలు లో కాదు)ది.30.06.2021 నాటికి 2 yrs సర్వీసు నిండిన Govt/ZP Management లో పనిచేయు టీచర్లు, HM లు అంతరజిల్లా బదిలీలకు అర్హులు.
- Spouse grounds / Mutual మాత్రమే
- Spouse Aided/LB/ State &Central Govt/ Cental &State Public under taking/ universities లో బదిలీ కోరు జిల్లాలో పనిచేస్తూ ఉండాలి.
- Souse HOD/Secretariat లో పనిచేస్తుంటే Krishna/ Guntur District కు బదిలీ Spouse వారికి Subject to clear vacancy బదిలీ జరుగున
Mutual within cader & Within management only . - ఇద్దరూ Willing ఉండాలి. one to one Mutual మాత్రమేఅనుమతి. ఒకరు, ఒకరికి మాత్రమే
- అనదికార గైర్హాజరు, Suspension లో ఉన్నవారు ఈ బదిలీ కు అనర్హులు
- బదిలీలకు CSE website ద్వారా online లో Submit చేయాలి
- Printout ను original certificates తో కలిపి MEO/DyEO కు ఇవ్వాలి.వారు Certify చేసి DEO లకు పంపాలి.DEO లు CSE కు పంపించాలి. CSE వారు Govt కు పంపాలి
- ఒక online Application కు మాత్రమే అనుమతి.
Schedule For Inter District Transfers
S.No. | Activity | Dates | No. of days |
1 | Applying for transfer in Online and submission of application form printouts to the concerned Mandal Educational Ofcer | 30.06.2021 to 06.07.2021 | 07 |
2 | Receiving application form print out and verifcation by the Mandal Educational ofcer and to hand over at DEO’s ofce. | 07.07.2021 to 11.07.2021 | 05 |
3 | Verifcation by the District Educational Ofcer | 12.07.2021 to 17.07.2021 | 06 |
4 | Submission to the Commissioner of School Education | 19.07.2021 | 01 |
5 | Verifcation and fnalization in the ofce of the Commissioner and Director of School Education | 20.07.2021 to 26.07.2021 | 07 |
6 | Submission to Government | 29.07.2021 | 01 |
7 | Issue G.O. by Government (after circulation to GAD and Finance Departments) | – | |
8 | Relief and joining of transferred teachers | – |
Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are informed that the inter District transfers of teachers will be issued after approval of the Government.Inter District Transfers 2021 For AP Teachers