IB Recruitment 2022: Apply for 766 ACIO, JIO and Other Posts

IB Recruitment

IB Recruitment 2022 | www.mha.gov.in | ACIO/ JIO/ Other | Last Date: 21/08/2022

IB Recruitment 2022 Intelligence Bureau (IB) has released 766 Vacancies Group-B & Group-C for the posts of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO)-I & II, Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO)-I & II, Security Assistant, Halwai Cum Cook and Caretaker and other under Ministry of Home Affairs on deputation basis. Interested Candidates may apply for IB Recruitment 2022 only through offline mode. However, application process starts from 22/06/2022 ends on 21/08/2022. So, all job seekers must apply before the deadline and be a part of IB Jobs 2022. Furthermore, details of eligibility criteria, application fee, age limit, pay scale and others are mentioned below. However, you can also visit www.mha.gov.in and www.teachernews.com to know more about IB Vacancy 2022 details.

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IB Recruitment 2022 – Overview

Organization Name Intelligence Bureau
Name of the Post Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO)-I & II, Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO)-I & II, Security Assistant, Halwai Cum Cook and Caretaker and other
No. of Vacancies 766
Educational Qualifications 8th, 10th class, B.Sc Degree
Apply Mode Offline
Last Date 21/08/2022
Official Website www.mha.gov.in

IB Recruitment 2022:

The Intelligence Bureau (IB) is India’s domestic internal security and counter-intelligence agency under Ministry of Home Affairs. It was founded in 1887 as Central Special Branch, and is reputed to be the oldest such organization in the world.

Until 1968, it handled both domestic and foreign intelligence after which Research and Analysis Wing was formed specifically for foreign intelligence following that IB was primarily assigned the role of domestic intelligence and internal security. Tapan Deka, the current director of the IB, took over from Arvind Kumar on 24 June 2022

Vacancy Details of IB Jobs 2022:

Intelligence Bureau (IB) recruits 766 posts for Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO)-I & II, Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO)-I & II, Security Assistant, Halwai-Cum Cook and Caretaker and other to fill the jobs for IB Recruitment 2022.

S.No Name Of the Post No.of Posts
1. Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO)-I/ Executive 70
2. ACIO-II/ Executive 350
3. JIO-I/ Executive 50
4. JIO-II/ Executive 100
5. SA/ Executive 100
6.. JIO-I/ MT 20
7. JIO-II/ MT 35
8. SA/ MT 20
9. Halwai-Cum Cook 09
10. Caretaker 05
11. JIO-II/ Tech 07
Total 766

Eligibility Criteria:

Interested Job Aspirants who are ready to apply for IB Recruitment 2022 Notification must possess the below-given Eligibility Details.

Educational Qualification:

Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO)-I & II:

  • Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university or equivalent; and
  • Two years’ experience in security or intelligence work.

Security Assistant/ Motor Transport:

  • Matriculation or equivalent
  • Possession of valid driving license for motor cars (LMV) issued by the competent authority.
  • Knowledge of motor mechanism (The candidate should be able to mend minor defects in the vehicle); and
  • Experience for driving a motor car for at least one year after obtaining valid driving license.

Halwai-Cum Cook:

  • 10th class pass with a certificate or diploma in catering, etc.
  • Preferably 2 years of experience in a Govt. Department


Any Group C employee of Intelligence Bureau with five years’ regular service.

JIO-II/ Tech:

  • Diploma in Electronics or Electronics and Tele-communication or Electronics and Communication or Electrical and Electronics or Information Technology or Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Computer Applications from a Government recognized university or institute. OR
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Electronics or Computer Science or Physics or Mathematics from a Government recognised university or institute. OR
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications from a Government recognised university or institute.

Selection Process:

Selection of candidates for IB Recruitment 2022 will be done through shortlisting, Interview and Document verification on an absorption/ deputation basis.

Pay scale:

Candidates selected for IB Recruitment 2022 will get pay under Pay Matrix Level-3 to Level-8 as per 7th CPC as per IB rules.

Age Limit:

Candidate age should be not exceeding 56 years as on 21/08/2022.

Age Relaxation will be as per rules of Government of India for different groups and Categories of IB Recruitment 2022.

How to Apply for IB Recruitment 2022?

  • First of all, open Official Website i.e., www.mha.gov.in .
  • Click on the online application form for the posts of ACIOs, JIOs, SA and Others.
  • Fill all the particulars in the online application form.
  • Click the submit option on the application form after filling all the details.
  • Take the printout of the application for further reference.

Important Dates for IB Recruitment 2022:

Starting Date of Application: 22/06/2022

Last Date for submission of Online Application Form: 21/08/2022

Important Links for IB Job Application

Official Notification: Click Here

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