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Pay online with Tez App by Google Benefits of Tez App Installation
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Google Tez Online Payment App Benefits, Offers, Cash Back Details |
Tez makes it faster and more secure to pay on apps and websites – anywhere that UPI is accepted. When you check out, look for the Tez logo or use your Tez UPI ID. Download google tez app from playstore and refer your friends/family to earn flat Rs 51 cashback on successful referral and also grab scratch cards to win upto Rs 1000 on first transaction. No coupon code required. Get it Now.
Tez App Referral Offers Get Rs 51 Signup Bonus + Refer and Earn Rs 9000 + Win Rs 1 Lakh from Tez Scratch Cards
How to Download and Use Tez app? Step by Step Explain
- Open Google Play store and Search for the app Tez.
- Select correct app by identifying the Logo.
- Click Install button.
- Tez App Installation Screen
- After installing the app, Opening Tez App
- After opening app is available in 7 Indian languages and Select One Language
- Next, Enter Mobile number linked with your bank account Number
- Select your Google account and By pressing Continue, Tez app Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
- Then SMS will be sent from your mobile number (OTP).
- Select 4 number Pin code your preferred.
- Tez app, select security option
- Now you have successfully installed and configured your Tez app.
- From here, you can transfer money and receive money to any person.
How to Add Bank Account in Tez App?
1) First of all open the Tez app by Google.
2) Goto, Top Left dotted menu button, Settings, Bank accounts.
3) Click on “Add bank account” and select your bank name form the list given.
4) Enter your mobile number registered with your bank account and verify it using OTP.
5) After verification set/enter your UPI PIN to get access of all transactions right on your tez app.
6) Now, you have successfully added your bank account in tez app. Thank you.
Invite Friends To Tez ( Tez App Scratch Card Offer ):
- Join On App & Open App Home Page & Click On Offer
- Find Out Invite Friends To Tez Open The Card
- Here You Will Get A Link Copy That
- Share This Link With Your Friends Family
- Tell Them Joining On App Make First Transection
- Then You Both Will Get Rs.51
- Tez App Download Offer terms:
- You must successfully send at least Indian Re. 1 to another Tez user To Receive Rs. 51 Cashback
- Payments sent to a non-Tez UPI ID do not qualify for this offer.
You may invite anyone to join Tez and if your invitee registers on Tez through your unique Tez invite link (see offer details for your unique link),and successfully completes a payment using the Tez app, you are eligible for the Tez Referrals Offer.
You and the invitee will receive Indian Rupees Fifty One (INR 51) each,in yours and the Invitee’s designated bank account. As such, you and your invitee must have a UPI-enabled bank account attached to your respective Tez accounts to receive payment from Google.
- You can only avail this offer once per registered invitee. Invitee can only avail of this offer only for his first Tez transaction.
- You can earn a maximum of 50 referral rewards.
- You can earn referral rewards up to a total value of Indian Rupees Nine Thousand (INR 9,000) per financial year (1 April to 31 March),across all Tez offers.
Employees, interns, contractors, and office-holders, as well as their immediate families (parents, siblings, children, spouses, and life partners of each, regardless of where they live),of Google Inc, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and any representatives or agencies of Google or other persons professionally connected with the offer are not eligible to participate.
Tez App New Offers Details Download
Tez By Google : Get Rs.51 Cash Free Using Referral link
Sign up using this referral link & get Rs.51 cash free. Just send 1 Rs to any Tez user using UPI and you will get 51 Rs on your 1st payment, plus Get Rs.51 per referral directly into your bank account. You and the invitee will receive Indian Rupees Fifty One (INR 51) each, in yours and the Invitee’s designated bank account. You can earn a maximum of 50 referral rewards. You can earn referral rewards up to a total value of Indian Rupees Nine Thousand (INR 9,000) per financial year
Discount Code : Tez Scratch Cards Offer : Win Upto Rs.1000
You must successfully send at least Indian Rupees Fifty (INR 50) to another Tez user or receive at least Indian Rupees Fifty (INR 50) from another Tez user. Payments sent to a non-Tez UPI ID do not qualify for this offer. Each sender-recipient pair can only earn one reward each per week. For each reward you earn, you are eligible to win up to Indian Rupees One Thousand (INR 1,000). You can earn a maximum of 10 Tez rewards per week, up to a total of Indian Rupees Nine Thousand (INR 9,000) per financial year (1 April to 31 March), across all Tez offers.
Refer & Earn Rs 51 Cashback in Your Bank
- Open the app
- Go to the offer section
- Now you will see invite & earn banner
- Click on it
- Now invite friends using WhatsApp
- When your friend makes his first payment both of you will get Rs 51 in your bank account
- Scratch & Win upto Rs 1000
Useful Offer : If anyone successfully sends you Rs 51 or more/ if you send Rs 51 or more to anyone then you will receive the scratch card by which you can win the worth Rs 1000 in per scratch. Maximum 10 scratch card can get in a week.
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