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AP GO 136 Minorities Welfare Department – Providing Financial Assistance to Construction of Urdughar-cum-Shadikhanas in the State of Andhra Pradesh – Administrative Sanction
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AP Muslim Shadikhanas and Urdhughar Construction Sanction order from Minorities welfare (IDM) Department G.O.RT.No. 136 Dated: 28th October, 2015
- 1. G.O.Ms.No.18 Minorities Welfare(MFC) Department Dt:16-04-2002
- 2. G.O.Ms.No.30 Minorities Welfare(MFC) Department Dt:21-09-2002
- 3. G.O.Ms.No.35 Minorities Welfare(MFC) Department Dt:07-11-2002
- 4. G.O.Rt.No.1544. Finance (EBS-III-SW-SW) Department Dt:23-04-2015
- 5. G.O.Rt.No.2360, Finance (EBS-III-SW-SW) Department Dt:26-08-2015.
In the references 4th & 5th read above, Finance (FMU-WELFARE-1) Department have issued Release Order for an amount of Rs.2.50 Crores as Budget provision during the financial year 2015-16 towards Assistance to Construction of Urdughar-cum-Shadikhanas in the State of Andhra Pradesh and requested the Minorities Welfare Department to issue Administrative Sanction Order.
2. Government, after consideration of the proposals hereby accord administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.2,43,50,000/- (Rupees Two Crore Fourty Three Lakhs and Fifty Thousand only ) for Construction of the Urdughar-cum-Shadikhanas in the following Districts as shown in the Annexure.
3. The amount of of Rs.2,43,50,000/- (Rupees Two Crore Fourty Three Lakhs and Fifty Thousand only ) sanctioned in para (2) above for construction of Urdu Ghar-Cum-Shadikhana in the State of Andhra Pradesh shall be debited to the following Head of Account:
- 2225 – Welfare of Scs, ST & OBCs,
- 80 – General,
- MH 800 – Other Expenditure
- GH – 11 – Normal State Plan
- SH (25) – Assistance for Construction of Urdu Ghar Cum Shadikhana.
- 310/312 – Other Grants-in-Aid
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4. The Commissioner, Minorities Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad is authorised to Draw and Disburse the amount sanctioned in para (3) above after, obtaining the estimates and plans from the implementing agency.
5. All the Collector and District Magistrates, of A.P. are requested to arrange for execution of work on receipt of the amount duly complying the instructions issued in the references 1st and 3rd read above and send progress report and utilization certificates to Government. He should ensure that the construction of Shadikhanas is completed as early as possible and kept ready for utilization.
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