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GO 123 AP approved list of new essential Medicine and additional Medicine 2015 APMSIDC
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AP HO 123 Dt. 05-10-2015 New Procurement Policy Essential Medicines List (EML) Approved list of New Essential Medicines and Additional Medicines 2015 Orders
Andra Pradesh Health Medical and Family welfare (H2) Department G.O.Ms.No.123 Dated: 05-10-2015
- Go.Rt.No.1357, HM FW (M1) Department, dt.19.10.2009.
- G.O.Ms.No.204, HM & FW (M2) Dept., dt.17.12.2013.
- G.O.Ms.No.101, HM & FW (M1) Dept., dt.29.05.2014.
- From the MD, APMSIDC, AP., Hyderabad, File No.40/ EML/AML PH5/2015-16, dt.09-04-2015.
1.The Govt. have issued the New Procurement Policy of Andhra Pradesh (2009) including the procedure to be adopted to make available essential medicines of good quality, at all health facilities in the State at all times, procured at competitive prices in a transparent manner and to promote rational use of medicines.
2. In the reference 2nd and 3rd read above, the Govt. have issued orders approving a list of Essential Medicine List and Additional medicine list and requested the M.D., A.P.M.S.I.D.C., Hyd. and other HODs, to procure only those medicines included in the AML/EML list duly following the procedure laid down in the reference 1st read above.
3. In the reference 4th read above, the M.D., A.P.M.S.I.D.C., Hyderabad has informed that the EML list is reviewed by the Standing Expert Committee for EML preparation. The Expert Committee, Chaired by the Director of Medical Education, has carefully reviewed the burden of various diseases in the state; existing protocols for treatments of various diseases; the medicines required for the management of emergency medical problems and life saving treatment; and cost-effectiveness and efficacy of various medicines available in the market and also held extensive consultations with pharmacologists, clinicians, super-specialists, etc. and recommended a list of ” revised Essential Medicines” and “Additional medicine list” that satisfy the medical care needs of the majority of the population that are safe, effective and to be made available in adequate quantity, dosage, form and fair price, for use by all Government Hospitals, Health Facilities and allied health institutions. After detailed discussions, the committee prepared a revised list of new EML/AML of 2015. Further, the list needs to be updated periodically once in 2 years in view of the rapid developments taking place in the pharmaceutical research and new medicines being introduced in the market on a continuous basis. He has, therefore, requested the Govt. to approve a New EML and AML consisting of 564 medicines, i.e. U-159, S-126,T-69 and AML-210 and issue orders in the matter.
4. The Government, after careful examination of the above, has decided to accept the recommendations of the Standing Expert Committee and hereby permit all the Hospitals, Health Facilities, and other Health Institutions under the control of HM & FW Dept., and the programmes assisted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh (FDHS, Epidemic, NVBDCP,SHP,APSACS) shall use only those Medicines listed in the ‘Essential Medicines List-2015 ( EML-2015 ) which in Annexed to this order.
5. Further to address the specific requirements of the advanced specialties and the super-specialties , the Government also approve the ‘Additional Medicines List’-2015(AML-2015) which are Annexed to this Order.
6. The medicines included in the EML2015 have been selected through an evidence based process with due regard to relevance, quality, safety, efficacy and comparative cost-effectiveness. These medicines will be made available at all health facilities under the control of the Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department. Supply of medicines to the primary health centers (PHCs), Urban Health Centers (UHCs) and other primary health facilities shall be limited to those listed as ‘Universal’ (U) in the EML 2015. The secondary health facilities (CHCs, Area Hospitals and Urban Dispensaries) shall utilize those medicines listed as Universal (U) and Secondary (S). Whereas, the tertiary hospitals (teaching, district and super-specialty hospitals) will have access to all drugs included in the EML 2015as well as medicines included in AML 2015 and are for both centralized and decentralized procurement. The medicines other than the EML for National Disease Control Programmes, like RNTCP, NLEP, and other requirements of state departments like Rural Development, ICDS etc., shall be procured by APMSIDC based on the requirement of HOD’s.
7. The Managing Director of Andhra Pradesh Health, Medical Services and Infrastructure Development Corporation (APMSIDC) and all Heads of the Departments under the overall charge of Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department shall henceforth procure, store and dispense only those medicines included in the EML and AML 2015 based on the need under Centralized and decentralized Procurements. All medicines included in the lists contain International Non-proprietary Names (INN) or Generic Names. The medicines included in the list will be procured, strictly adhering to the Pharmacopeia standards, Route of Administration, Unit Pack, Strength and Specifications mentioned in this order.
8. All Heads of Department shall issue detailed instructions to all facilities and functionaries under their control regarding rational and effective use of medicines included in the EML and AML. The MD, APMSIDC shall publish and distribute copies of the EML and AML to all health facilities and disseminate information regarding their use amongst all health functionaries of the state. The Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare shall organize workshops for all medical professionals of the Health, Medical and Family Welfare Department regarding the rational use of medicines and strict adherence to the use of medicines listed in this Order.
9. By implementing the essential medicines concept, the Government of Andhra Pradesh expects to improve the efficiency of drug management in all health facilities. The Government instructed all HODs to ensure strict compliance with the Government Orders issued in G.O.Ms No. 1357 HM&FW Department, dated 19 October 2009. All measures shall be taken by all HODs to ensure that:
- All essential drugs shall be available at all health facilities in the state at all times of the year.
- Stocks required for at least three months should be maintained at all times.
- Every effort shall be made to completely eliminate expired drugs, drug wastage, pilferage and stock-outs.
- High standards of quality control and quality assurance measures shall be maintained and monitored.
- All drugs in the EML and AML shall be purchased only from pharmaceutical companies who follow good manufacturing practices (GMP) stipulated by the drugs control authorities and APMSIDC. All supplies will be subject to strict check in sales of Govt. and in identified private labs of quality parameters.
- No doctor of the HM&FW Department shall procure, prescribe, dispense, or recommend any medicine that is not included in the EML / AML without prior approval of the Government. Any violation of these instructions shall attract disciplinary action.
- A comprehensive monitoring system to ensure that the above stipulations are fully implemented, shall be designed and operationalized by M.D., APMISDC within three months, duly involving the concerned Heads of Departments.
10. The Managing Director, A.P.M.S.I.D.C., Hyderabad, shall take necessary further action accordingly.
11. The M.D., A.P.M.S.I.D.C., Hyderabad and other Heads of Department shall procure only those medicines included in the AML / EML list duly following the procedure laid down in the reference first read above. All hospitals under other departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh and the private sector hospitals, especially those included in Rajiv Aarogyasri Network, are also strongly encouraged to use the medicines notified in this Order.
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